Roadmap to retiring young

Roadmap to retiring young

The dream of retiring young is one that captivates many peoples’ imaginations. The freedom to live life on your own terms, doing what you want, when you want is undeniably appealing, but is it attainable? We say yes! It doesn’t just happen, though. As with any goal, it takes planning and dedication along with a clear understanding of when and how you expect to achieve that goal. Early retirement, as a concept, means different things to different people. Therefore, the first step on the road to your early retirement is to be clear about what it will look like, starting with: With an understanding of what retirement means to you, you can begin the process of charting a course to achieving it. Develop a roadmap to early retirement by considering: Attaining any financial goal requires discipline. Coach yourself to say ‘no’ to indulgences in the present, remembering that with the right roadmap and financial know-how, you really can make your dream of early retirement come true. The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Estate Planning is not just for retirement 

Estate Planning is not just for retirement 

Many people think that Estate Planning is only for people who are close to retirement, especially if we fall into the trap of thinking that Estate Planning is just about getting a will. But did you know that Estate Planning addresses key protection strategies whilst you’re still alive? It doesn’t matter who you are, Estate Planning is for everyone.   What are the key pillars of Estate Planning?  Estate Planning is all about making sure that you get the choice as to what happens to you and your assets – whether that’s if you need someone to make decisions on your behalf, or you pass away and your estate needs to be divided up.   1. Advance Care Directive  Should something happen to you, and you are unable to communicate decisions about your medical care and treatment, an advance care directive allows you to:  As long as the directive is valid, it must be followed and cannot be overridden by medical professionals or family members.   2. Power of Attorney  A Power of Attorney allows a person who you nominate to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf if you lose capacity as a result of illness, injury or disability.   They can help ensure important financial and legal matters are handled without delay if you can’t manage them yourself – for example, paying your bills, managing your bank accounts, managing your investments and buying and selling property.  3. A Valid Will  Whereas the first two pillars ensure that important matters are handled in accordance with your wishes if you’re incapacitated, a will ensures that those same matters are handled in accordance with your wishes after your death. A will gives you the best chance of ensuring that your assets go where you want them to.   If you die without a valid will:  4. Superannuation   When you pass away, your superannuation is distributed to the person(s) you have nominated in the fund’s death benefit nomination. However, this may not be binding on the super fund, and if you haven’t nominated a beneficiary this could result in a lengthy process as the super fund trustee needs to decide who gets the money.   Superannuation is also not automatically included as part of your estate. The best way to ensure your super is distributed in accordance with your wishes is to nominate your legal personal representative. Your Executor will then be required to distribute your super according to your Will.   An estate plan gives you choice and control  Whilst growing your wealth is one part of a great financial plan, protecting your wealth in the event of your incapacity or death is just as important. Ensuring that your estate plan is in order gives you choice and control in how your affairs and assets will be handled, which in turn benefits both you and your loved ones. If you would like to explore your estate planning options, contact us to get started.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

What does a good financial adviser do?

What does a good financial adviser do?

Some people may think that a financial adviser’s role is to forecast the direction of the share market from month to month and invest clients’ money accordingly. This is not the reality, of course. Investments are only one small part of what your financial adviser can provide for you. Consider for a moment the number of websites, newsprint and broadcast time dedicated to financial topics these days. Australians seem to have an insatiable appetite for understanding finance. Whether it’s the latest share market activity, economic news or the constantly changing tax and superannuation rules, a licenced financial adviser can help answer your burning questions and save you the hassle of finding it yourself. Usually, the benefit you receive from a financial adviser can be spelt out in dollar terms. It might be the income tax you have saved by re-structuring your salary, or a new concession from the Australian Tax Office (ATO) or Centrelink that you didn’t know you could get. The finance section of your newspaper or online magazine probably includes a regular “advice” or “Q & A” column. By law, these columns must warn readers that the advice does not consider your personal situation or needs, and you should consider its appropriateness before acting. In setting your financial strategy, a good financial adviser will take the time to get to know you and your circumstances. This means that everything recommended to you—the investment portfolio, super contribution strategies, savings plans and insurance advice—is tailored to your personal needs, goals, and tolerance to risk. As the years go by, your financial strategies will need adjusting due to changes in the broader environment or something closer to home. Whatever the case, your adviser is there to help you make the most of the good times and the bad. And a regular financial review doesn’t always mean major changes, but at least you’ll know that you’re on the right track – and not having to do it alone. Quality, knowledgeable advice is critical, and wherever you are on your financial path, now is always the best time to talk to us.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Can you afford to retire early?

Can you afford to retire early?

Many Australians caught in the nine-to-five grind of working for a living, dream of the possibility of taking early retirement and spending their days travelling or playing golf or doing nothing much at all. There’s even a name for it these days. The Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement is prompting more and more young Australians to question exactly what it takes to retire early. Yet, without winning Tattslotto or suddenly inheriting a fortune from a long, lost relative, how possible is it to structure your finances so you never have to work again? According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the average Australian retirement age is just 55.4 years, which makes it seem that early retirement is somewhat the norm for Australians. However, this number is dragged down by partners who stop work while their spouses support them financially, and people forced into early retirement by redundancy or medical issues. So, how plausible is it to stop working sooner rather than later? The answer depends on the type of retirement you dream of, where you are hoping to live, and whether you have children or other dependents you need to support. It’s also more achievable if you can structure your life so you are still earning at least some money, albeit from a hobby or something you love doing and would do anyway. The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) suggests a couple requires $62,000 a year ($640,000 in savings), in addition to owning their own home, to live a comfortable retirement in Australia. That’s a number that can seem unachievable. Yet many people are eager to retire overseas to a country like Indonesia, where living expenses can be a fraction of what they are at home and enjoy a high quality lifestyle for $300 a week ($15,600 a year), requiring invested savings of as little as $300,000. Others have spent years travelling the world on a strict travel budget of $100 a day, which puts them in a great position to only require $36,000 a year, or $600,000 in invested savings. Against this, industry analysts estimate that for an individual to be truly financially independent, they need to be earning $50,000 a year from invested funds, in addition to owning their own home, requiring millions in retirement savings. The key, however, to decide whether you can retire early depends on just how determined you are to achieve it. You need to think through your lifestyle requirements and determine if you need a simple caravan and campsite, or whether you require a five-bedroom home in leafy suburbia. You’ll also need to ensure your retirement savings are invested in quality assets that will continue to generate a strong, consistent level of income, as well as capital growth. A good financial adviser can help you with this. A good tip is to keep your options open and your skills up to date, in case you have a change of heart and decide you do want to go back into the office, even if only on a part time basis. In fact, you might be better off taking what is increasingly referred to as a mature age ‘Gap Year’ and try out what it’s like living overseas or spending all day on the beach before you quit your job. While being permanently retired and free to live each day as you choose does sound wonderful, remember to still ensure you have purpose in life. Happy early retirement dreaming!   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Six super hacks to retire richer

Six super hacks to retire richer

While it’s easy to be discouraged by superannuation and fear you will never have enough money saved to stop working, remember even a modest superannuation balance can make a big difference in retirement. For every $100,000 saved in superannuation, you can expect these funds to generate a return of 6%, or $6,000, a year. When this is paid out as a pension, it equates to $500 a month tax-free. Of course, this is doubled if both you and your partner have $100,000 each in super. Depending on your overall financial situation, this can be paid in addition to you receiving a full age pension. Here are six super hacks to help you maximise your super balance: Hack 1. Consolidate your accounts Consolidate all your superannuation accounts into one account best suited to your needs. The Australian Tax Office says some 6 million Australians have multiple super accounts, wasting millions of dollars in duplicated charges. These unnecessary fees will needlessly erode your super balance. Consolidating multiple accounts is easy. Simply log on to the ATO’s website and with one click, choose one account to accept all your funds. This alone could save you thousands of dollars. Hack 2. Review your super contributions Check your employer is contributing the right amount to superannuation from your wages each week. If you believe there is a shortfall, contact the ATO to investigate on your behalf. Hack 3. Take advantage of co-contributions If you earn less than $52,697 a year, consider making additional after-tax super contributions to take advantage of a matching contribution from the government, called a co-contribution. Under this scheme, you can contribute up to $1,000 of after-tax money and receive a maximum co-contribution of $500. This is a 50 % return on your investment. The government will determine how much you are entitled to when you lodge your tax return, and if you are eligible, the government will then pay the co-contribution directly to your fund. You don’t need to do anything more than make the original contribution from after-tax savings. Hack 4. Benefit from spouse contributions Review whether you can benefit from making additional contributions to your partner’s super. If you do make contributions to your partner’s super and they are on a low income or not working, you may be able to claim a tax offset of up to $540 a year. Hack 5. Contribute any long-term savings to super There are rules concerning how much you can contribute to super, and when, but any savings put into superannuation will be held within a tax benign environment. While your fund is in accumulation mode, these assets’ income and capital growth are taxed at 15%, rather than your marginal tax rate. Once you start receiving an income stream, these assets are held within a tax-free environment, making your superannuation your own personal tax haven. Hack 6. Seek professional guidance Of course, there are a raft of rules around superannuation that you must be aware of. To maximise your retirement nest egg, be sure to seek expert advice from a financial adviser or qualified accountant. While it is never too early to start making additional contributions to super, it is also never too late. Even small steps towards the end of your working life can and will make a difference to the way you live in retirement. Contact us today to get started.     The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

It’s not too late for super planning in your 60s

It’s not too late for super planning in your 60s

For most Australians, their 60s is the decade that marks retirement. For some this means a graceful slide into a fulfilling life of leisure, enjoying the fruits of a lifetime of hard work. However, for many it means a substantial drop in income and living standards. So how can you make the most of the last few years of work before taking that big step into retirement? How are we tracking as a nation? In 2015-2016, 50% of men aged 60-64 had super balances of less than $110,000. For women the figure was a more alarming $36,000 – not even enough to provide a single person with a ‘modest’ lifestyle. Last minute lift If your super is looking a little on the thin side there are a few ways to give it a boost before retirement. – Make the most of your concessional contributions cap. Ask your employer if you can increase your employer contributions under a ‘salary sacrifice’ arrangement. Alternatively, you can claim a tax deduction for personal contributions you make. Total concessional contributions must not exceed $25,000 per year. – Investigate the benefits of a ‘transition to retirement’ (TTR) income stream. This can be combined with a re-contribution strategy that, depending on your marginal tax rate, can give your retirement savings a significant boost. – Review your investment strategy. A common view is that as we near retirement our investments should be shifted to the conservative end of the risk and return spectrum. However, in an age of low returns and longer life expectancies, some growth assets may be required to provide the returns that will be necessary to support a long and comfortable retirement. – Make non-concessional contributions. If you have substantial funds outside of super it may be worthwhile transferring them into the concessionally taxed super environment. You can contribute up to $100,000 per year, or $300,000 within a three-year period. A work test applies if you are over 65. – The 60s is often a time for home downsizing. This can free up some cash to help with retirement. The ‘downsizer contribution’ allows a couple to jointly contribute up to $600,000 to superannuation without it counting towards their non-concessional contributions caps. Get it right This important decade is when you will make the key decisions that will determine your quality of life in retirement. Those decisions are both numerous and complex. Quality, knowledgeable advice is critical, and wherever you are on your path to retirement, now is always the best time to talk to your licensed financial adviser. Contact us today for a chat.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Push the super pedal down in your 50s

Push the super pedal down in your 50s

If 50 really is the new 40, then life has just begun. The kids are gaining independence or may have left home, and the mortgage could be a thing of the past. Bliss. But galloping towards you is… retirement! Here are some ways to boost your retirement savings. Increase your pre-tax contributionsYou can ask your employer to reduce your take-home pay and make larger contributions to your super fund. If you are self-employed, you can increase your level of tax-deductible contributions. This strategy is commonly known as ‘salary sacrifice’. If you are earning between $120,001 and $180,000 per year, any income between those limits is taxed at 39%. Salary sacrifice contributions to your superannuation fund are only taxed at 15%. Sacrificing just $1,000 per month to super will, over the course of a year, see you better off by $2,880 on the tax differences alone. Plus, the earnings on those super contributions will be taxed at only 15%, compared to investment earnings outside of super being taxed at your marginal rate. Don’t overdo it though. If your salary sacrifice plus superannuation guarantee contributions add up to more than $25,000 this year, the excess is added to your assessable income and taxed at your marginal tax rate. Retiring slowlyOnce you reach your preservation age you might start a ‘transition to retirement’ (TTR) pension from your superannuation fund. The idea is to allow people to reduce working hours without reducing their income. Keep your money workingThere is a tendency to opt for more secure, but lower-return investments as we approach retirement. However, even at retirement your investment horizon may still be decades. With cash and fixed interest producing some of their lowest returns in history, it may be beneficial to keep a significant portion of your portfolio invested in growth assets. Insurance and death benefitsWith the mortgage paid off or much diminished and a growing investment pool, your insurance needs have probably changed. This is a good time to review your insurance cover to ensure it continues to be a match for your changing circumstances. It’s also a good idea to check the death benefit nomination with your super fund. By making a binding nomination you can ensure that your death benefit goes to the beneficiaries of your choice, and may mean they receive the money more quickly. Get a plan!Superannuation provides many opportunities for boosting your retirement wealth. However, it is a complex area and strategies that benefit some people may harm others. Good advice is absolutely essential, and the sooner you sit down with a licensed financial adviser, the better your chances of having more when you reach the finishing line. Contact us today to get started.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

It’s time to get focused on super in your 40s

It’s time to get focused on super in your 40s

Typically your forties is a time of established careers, teenage kids and a mortgage that is no longer daunting. There are still plenty of demands on the budget, but by this age there’s a good chance there’s some spare cash that can be put to good use. A beneficial sacrificeAt this age, a popular strategy for boosting retirement savings is ‘salary sacrifice’ in which you take a cut in take-home pay in exchange for additional pre-tax contributions to your super. If you are self-employed, you can increase your tax-deductible contributions, within the concessional limit, to gain the same benefit. Salary sacrificing provides a double benefit. Not only are you adding more money to your retirement balance, these contributions and their earnings are taxed at only 15%. If you earn between $90,001 and $180,000 per year that money would otherwise be taxed at 39%. Sacrifice $1,000 per month over the course of a year and you’ll be $2,880 better off just from the tax benefits alone. It’s important to remember that if combined salary sacrifice and superannuation guarantee contributions exceed $25,000 in a given year the amount above this limit will be added to your assessable income and taxed at your marginal tax rate. What about the mortgage?Paying the mortgage down quickly has long been a sound wealth-building strategy for many. Current low interest rates and the tax benefits of salary sacrifice, combined with a good long-term investment return, means that putting your money into super produces the better outcome in most cases. One caveat – if you think you might need to access that money before retiring don’t put it into super. Pay down the mortgage and redraw should you need to. Let the government contributeLow-income earners can pick up an easy, government-sponsored, 50% return on their investment just by making an after-tax contribution to their super fund. If you can contribute $1,000 of your own money to super, you could receive up to $500 as a co-contribution. Another strategy that may help some couples is contribution splitting. This is where a portion of one partner’s superannuation contributions are rolled over to the partner on a lower income. Your financial adviser will be able to help you decide if this strategy would benefit you. Protect what you can’t afford to loseWith debts and dependants, adequate life insurance cover is crucial. Holding cover through superannuation may provide benefits such as lower premiums, a tax deduction to the super fund and reduced strain on cash flow. Make sure the sum insured is sufficient for your needs as default cover amounts are usually well short of what’s required. Seek professional adviceThe forties is an important decade for wealth creation with many things to consider, so talk to us and we’ll help you make sure the next 20 years are the best for your super.   This is general information only

Pay attention to super in your 30s

Pay attention to super in your 30s

If you are in your 30s, chances are life revolves around children and a mortgage – not super. And as much as we love our kids, the fact is they cost quite a lot. As for the mortgage, this is the age during which repayments are generally at their highest, relative to income. And on top of that, one parent is often not working, or working only part time. Even if children aren’t a factor, career building is paramount during this decade. Don’t be alarmed, but by the time a 35-year-old couple today reaches retirement age in 32 years’ time, the effects of inflation could mean that they will need an income of about $150,000 per year to enjoy a ‘comfortable’ retirement. To support that level of income for up to 30 years in retirement they will want to have built a combined nest egg of about $2.7 million! If you are on a 30% or higher marginal tax rate, willing to stash some cash for the long term, and would like to reduce your tax bill, then consider making salary sacrifice (pre-tax) contributions to super. For most people super contributions and earnings are taxed at 15%, so savings will grow faster in super than outside it. Even if you can’t make additional contributions right now there is one thing you can do to help achieve a comfortable retirement: ensure your super is invested in an appropriate portfolio. With decades to go until retirement, a portfolio with a higher proportion of shares, property and other growth assets is likely to out-perform one that is dominated by cash and fixed interest investments. But be mindful: the higher the return, the higher the associated risk. For any young family, financial protection is crucial. The loss of or disablement of either parent would be disastrous. In most cases both parents should be covered by life and disability insurance. If this insurance is taken out through your superannuation fund the premiums are paid out of your accumulated super balance. While this means that your ultimate retirement benefit will be a bit less than if you took out insurance directly, it doesn’t impact on the current family budget. However, don’t just accept the amount of cover that many funds automatically provide. It may not be adequate for your needs. Whether it’s super, insurance, establishing investments or building your career, there’s a lot to think about when you’re thirty-something. It’s an ideal age to start some serious financial planning, so contact us today about putting a plan into place.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Super in your 20s: Boring? Doesn’t have to be!

Super in your 20s: Boring? Doesn’t have to be!

Superannuation is for the oldies, right? In some ways that’s true, but even in your twenties there are good reasons to take a bit more interest in your super. The average 25-year-old has around $10,000 in super, but the decisions you make now, even with relatively small sums of money, could earn you hundreds of thousands of extra dollars over your working life. Are you getting any? Earn more than $450 in any given month? Then every three months your employer should be paying 9.5% of that into your super fund. Usually you can choose your fund; if you don’t, it gets paid into a super fund of your employer’s choice. If you don’t know if your super is being paid, or the fund it’s being paid into, ask your employer. If you think you’re missing out, search ‘unpaid super’ on the tax office website ( to see what you can do. This is your money. Where have you got it? Had more than one job? If you have a lot of little super accounts the money can disappear in a puff of fees and insurance premiums. Simple fix – combine your super into one account. Is it working for YOU? Your money is going to be stuck in super for a long time, so you want it to be working hard for you. Most funds offer a range of investment choices and some will do better than others. What do you want? Buying a new car. Travelling, Having fun. Let’s face it, there are lots more exciting things to do with your money than sticking it into super. The choice is yours but think about this: If Mum and Dad retired this year, they would need a minimum of around $61,909 per year to enjoy themselves. If that doesn’t sound like much now, by the time YOU retire inflation could have pushed that annual amount to around $214,248. That means you will need to have at least $3.71 million in savings! Sure you’ve got 40-plus years but that’s still a lot of money to save up! It can be done if you start early enough – and you don’t need to miss out on enjoying life now. Starting early and adding a bit extra when you can makes a big difference. Let’s work on another 40 years before you can retire. If you start now by making an extra post-tax contribution of just 1% of your annual income to super, ($350 from a $35,000 salary – and the government could add to that with a co-contribution) at an 8% investment return could add an extra $149,000 to your retirement fund. If you wait 20 years before starting to make that extra contribution, you’ll only get a boost of $49,000. $100,000 less! Continuing this small extra contribution as your salary increases will turbo boost your super fund balance. Imagine your retirement party?! So, still find super boring? That’s okay; you’re not alone. But instead of finding the time to organise all this yourself, contact us today and we will review your current super, any insurance required, the investment choices and prepare a strategy to get your super into shape – then you can get back to enjoying life!   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Why seeing a financial adviser could be your best Xmas gift

Why seeing a financial adviser could be your best Xmas gift

The run-up to Christmas is usually a hectic time. Aside from the shopping and Christmas parties, there are deadlines to meet, loose ends to tie up and, for many farmers, the last of the crop to harvest. Whatever Christmas looks like for you, it’s essential you spend your time and money in a way that brings you and others around you joy and deeper connection. This is a time of year where there are rarely work and other commitments that need attention, leaving us with the space to focus on deepening the special relationships around us. Put simply, Christmas is about quality time with loved ones, not overextending yourself by spending too much. Once the big day is over many of us are able to slip into a more relaxed mode, but as your focus turns to leftover turkey and pudding, or lounging on the beach, why not spare a thought for your financial situation? With everyone else relaxing, the Christmas holiday period can be an ideal time to check your finances and start the New Year with everything in order and heading in the right direction. As their clients hit the beach, the holiday period is often a quieter time for the financial advisers who remain on deck. That’ll make it easier to see a busy adviser. And while there’s always plenty to do down on the farm, that post-harvest period may be the perfect time for farmers to sit down with their financial advisers. If a rainy day puts a dampener on your holiday fun, why not dip into the filing cabinet and tidy up the paperwork? You may be able to get rid of old documents you no longer need (make sure you dispose of them securely), find new opportunities, or discover important things that you’ve overlooked. Is your cash working hard enough for you? Has your portfolio become unbalanced? Are your personal insurances all in order? Are you saving enough? So why not make a Christmas resolution, to call us and make an appointment to review your financial situation. You’ll come away well equipped with some New Year resolutions to keep your finances humming along for the year to come.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Reviewing your insurance as you get older

Reviewing your insurance as you get older

So, you are seriously starting to think about your retirement. The kids are finally more independent, the mortgage is less than it was, and the super is more than it was. You look at your monthly bank statements and one particular debit is always there. The insurance premium. You have been paying it diligently for years now, maybe decades. But, for what? You’ve not claimed and ‘gained’ anything so far. At this stage and age, it might be very tempting to cancel your policies and save a few dollars. Before you do, just consider what you could be losing in a future that’s not yet written. It could be hundreds of thousands of dollars. More to the point it could be your home, your lifestyle, or your health – the very thing you are hoping to protect. Statistically you are more likely to claim the older you get. Look at these figures:   Type of cover Average age people cancel policy Average age people make a claim Income Protection 45 46 Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) 49 48 Trauma Insurance 44 49   People often don’t realise an insurance policy is not an ‘all or nothing’ concept and there are options available. For example, as you get older and your debts and commitments reduce, so might the level of cover you require. When cover is reduced, so is the premium. Take care though, once a policy is in place it’s easy to reduce the cover but much harder to increase the amount, particularly as you get older. It often only takes a phone call to lower the amount but countless medical tests to increase it or apply again. Before you rush off and reduce your cover, it’s important to tailor the amount of cover to your potentially changing circumstances, and this is where we can help. There are many other options available including requesting a temporary freeze on the premiums; paying annually instead of monthly; moving your cover into your super fund (this is not applicable to all insurance however); or given that your adult children will usually be the ones who will eventually benefit, ask them to share the cost of the premiums! The basic idea of insurance is not to put you in a better position than you were – it’s there to protect what you have. Regardless of what age you are, think twice about cancelling insurance completely. There are always other options available. Ask us for guidance before you make any decisions.     The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

When an SMSF may be the wrong idea

When an SMSF may be the wrong idea

Since the Australian Government introduced compulsory employer contributions to people’s superannuation funds in 1992, Australia’s funds invested in super have grown to $3 trillion. In this time, self-managed super funds (SMSF’s) have grown in popularity too. There are currently just over 1 million members with $747 billion in SMSFs across Australia. SMSFs can have between one and four members. While not yet legislated, the government has proposed allowing up to six members in an SMSF. Most SMSFs in Australia have two members (70%), with most other SMSFs having a single member (23%). According to the ATO, the average value of assets in people’s SMSFs is $320,000. The general recommendation is to have a minimum balance of $200,000 in your SMSF. While it can be tempting to see the potential of being in complete control over your super balance, it may not always be a good idea to set up an SMSF. Why set up an SMSF?Many people opt to set up an SMSF to have more flexibility in where they invest their money. Along with more investment options such as residential property and rare asset classes such as art, valuable collectables and physical gold, your SMSF income is taxed at a lower rate of 15%. Compared to the marginal income tax rate for average and high-income earners (usually between 30% to 45%), establishing an SMSF can be an attractive option. However, as with any other type of investing, there are potential downsides and SMSFs can carry significant risks and costs. What are the risks associated with having an SMSF?There are several risks associated with having an SMSF. To establish an SMSF, you are legally required to have an investment strategy. When you have an SMSF, you also need to ensure you get tailored advice from your financial adviser to mitigate the risk of making poor investment and financial decisions. Many SMSFs also choose to invest in one asset, such as residential property. This leaves your super balance overexposed to risk, compared to if you had a balanced portfolio in a super fund. Unlike a traditional super fund, an SMSF has time-consuming administrative tasks and costs. Some of the costs you may incur when you have an SMSF include annual compliance, audit and management costs, investment fees, brokerage fees, wholesale managed fund fees and advisory fees charged by your accountant and financial adviser. If you have an SMSF, it’s important that these fees don’t equate to more than 2% of your super balance. On a balance of $200,000 in an SMSF, the fees would ideally need to be below $4,000 per year. When you have an SMSF, you are in complete control of your investing, which means you are also solely responsible for keeping up to date with your compliance requirements. The legislation around SMSFs is constantly changing. If you don’t have a genuine interest in continually staying updated on these changes, or the fees to seek regular advice are going to push your annual costs over 2% of your balance, you need to rethink whether an SMSF is the right option for you. To summariseWhile establishing an SMSF can offer you flexibility in how you manage your retirement funds, there’s a raft of risks and costs associated with having an SMSF. Further, an SMSF can be a lot of work, so it may not be the right option for you if you’re unsure whether you want to commit to the ongoing financial, legal and administrative requirements associated with having an SMSF. If you are considering establishing an SMSF or deciding whether an SMSF is suitable for you, speak to us to obtain personalised advice for your unique situation.    The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

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