Avoid passing bad money habits on to your children

Avoid passing bad money habits on to your children

Generally speaking, we Australians are pretty financially savvy, that is, we understand the how and why of effectively managing our money. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean we’re actually putting that know-how into practise and making astute financial decisions.   According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the average Australian household debt has risen by 7.3% (over $260,000) in the 2021-2022 financial year. As of July 2023, Australians were paying $18.4 billion – that’s billion with a B – in credit card interest every year.  As parents, we’re role models, integral to shaping our children’s values and beliefs. Like little sponges, they absorb our behavioural patterns, pick up on signals and mimic our actions.  For us to replace bad money habits with good ones may be a big ask, particularly as they’ve evolved over the course of our lives. But the trouble is that kids are a cluey bunch, eager to learn from us, and not surprisingly, our money habits are among many characteristics we unintentionally pass onto them.  Of course, we all want the best for our children. But in this busy world, we’re pulled in so many directions at once that sometimes it’s all we can do to juggle our daily work, family, school and social lives. Who has time to consider the inadvertent messages we could be giving out?   Yet, when it comes to ensuring our children are equipped to build themselves a secure financial future, it’s worth the effort, right?   The table below shows a list of good and bad money habits that are commonly passed onto children.  Poor money habits  Good money habits Impulse buying We regularly make spur-of-the-moment purchases. Additionally, we tend to indulge our kids – we want them to be happy.  Impulsive or indulgent behaviour can inadvertently foster in children an attitude of instant gratification, normalising impulse buying.  Lead by example As a family, we discuss the difference between needs and wants. When we see something we want, we walk away and give ourselves a cooling off period to determine whether we genuinely need the item. We encourage our kids to wait for things they want, and suggest that delaying the purchase can lead to smarter choices and savings. When shopping we compare prices and identify items that offer better value.   Not budgeting  We don’t have a household budget, preferring to manage our money as it comes in. But even though we know what bills are due we often seem to have trouble getting the money together. Sometimes we run out of money before pay day.   Not budgeting can engender a culture of living pay-to-pay and children can grow up not understanding the importance of tracking spending and living within their means.  Family budgeting  We involve our children in creating and monitoring our household budget. We discuss decisions around allocating money for different purposes so that when our kids receive pocket money or gift money, they can practise budgeting by setting amounts aside for saving, spending, etc.  Credit card misuse  We rarely use cash; using a card is fast and convenient. Although occasionally we max the card out we make sure we pay off as much as we can every month. Some months, depending on expenses, we can’t manage the full balance. Cards, while useful, can cause children to perceive them as a source of unlimited money.  No free money  We have taught our children how to read our card statements. They know how to check purchases against receipts and understand how interest adds to the card balance. We involve our kids in making card payments and explain the consequences of not paying the full balance each month.  Not saving  We’ve never set up a structured savings plan so have little-to-no savings. We’d like to take a holiday or have a nestegg for emergencies but there never seems to be any money left over at the end of the pay cycle. Children seeing parents struggling to save may not learn the value of saving or setting goals.  Set goals, save We stick to our budget and always try to allocate a portion of income towards savings, and encourage our kids to do the same. We get them to set short-term goals like saving for a new toy or book, and long-term goals like an outing or a larger purchase, and then help them create a savings plan to achieve their goals. We make it fun by using a visual chart to track progress and when they reach their goal, we celebrate the achievement, making a special occasion out of buying the item or attending the event.  Failing to discuss  We never talk about money with our kids. They have a limited understanding of how money is earned and how we use it. Failing to discuss how money is earned can lead to children not grasping the concept of money as a finite resource, and appreciating its value. Widespread use of credit cards or taking cash from ATMs suggests that money is readily accessible.   Have the conversation  We have always been open with our kids about the household finances. We want them to understand that money needs to be earned, and if not used wisely and allocated appropriately, it can run out. We have also provided the opportunity for them to earn pocket money for doing age-appropriate household chores.  If we can make time to examine the way we view and use money, and replace poor habits with good ones, we can positively influence our kids by:  As parents we have a limited opportunity to equip our children with tools like, knowledge, confidence and forward planning skills – before they decide they know more than us!   So, by modelling good financial behaviour ourselves, we can instil the habits that will set our children up for a life of financial freedom.   I don’t know about you, but if I can achieve that, I’ll know that I’ve done what I can to enable the next generation to succeed and thrive.   What a legacy!  The information provided in this article is general in nature only…

Charting a course to financial recovery 

Charting a course to financial recovery 

Australian Bureau of Statistics, (ABS) figures indicate that between 2017-2018 and 2019-2020 total average household debt rose from $190,000 to $204,000.  That’s an increase of over 7% in two years!  The reasons why would make for an interesting study, however a more pressing question might be what can we do about it?   Combine high levels of debt with rising interest rates and a cost-of-living crisis, and it’s no surprise that Australian households are reaching out to Debt Management (DM) companies to help regain control of their finances.  DM companies are private organisations that can assist by:  Sometimes, DM companies repay your debts – to a specified limit – and you repay them under a single loan arrangement. Terms and payment amounts can be negotiated, offering a beacon of hope and a sense that you’re taking back control.  If this sounds like the perfect solution, remember that for every pro, there’s usually a con. For example:  While weighing the pros and cons of a DM service, here are a few do-it-yourself strategies for consideration.  Budgeting  Creating a budget is a 3-step process.  The government’s Moneysmart website lists easy ways of cutting back everyday spending.  Negotiating  Rather than customers defaulting, most banks and utilities companies prefer to negotiate repayment terms, sometimes even offering assistance programs.    The key is to reach out before it’s too late. Be upfront about your situation and willing to arrive at a mutually beneficial arrangement.   Remember, nobody wins when debts are not paid.  Government assistance  The Australian government provides a range of financial assistance packages and interest-free loans depending on circumstances. These include crisis payments for unexpected situations, and income support payments for cost of living expenses.  Of course there are conditions, but further information, including application criteria, is available from the MyGov website.   Financial counselling   Financial counsellors help you understand your financial position and assist you to navigate your way out of difficulty.  Some local communities offer free, or low-cost, financial literacy programs, aimed at providing education about money and debt reduction.  Everyone’s financial position is unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all, so it’s important that your action plan is specific to your needs and that you’re 100% comfortable with any decisions you make.  If you’re uncertain, seek the assistance of a qualified financial planner.   What’s crucial is that you do something; being proactive is empowering and sets you on the path to financial recovery.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Building financial resilience 

Building financial resilience 

Resilience is the ability to quickly recover from setbacks, and while setbacks can come in many forms most of them will have a financial component. So what can you do to build financial resilience?  Expect the unexpected  Rarely do we get advance warning that something bad is about to happen to us, so the time to develop your resilience strategy is now. And while we don’t know the specifics, we can anticipate events that would throw our finances into disarray. A house burning down or a car being stolen. Not being able to work due to illness or injury. The death of a breadwinner or caregiver.   With some idea of the type of threat we face we may be able to insure against some of them. If you have taken out any type of insurance policy you’ve already made a start on your resilience plan.  Create buffers  You can’t insure against every possibility, but you can build financial buffers. This might simply be a savings account that you earmark as your emergency fund that you contribute to each payday. If your home loan offers a redraw facility you can also create a buffer by getting ahead on your mortgage repayments.   Buffers can be particularly important for retirees drawing a pension from their super fund. Redeeming growth assets for cash in order to make pension payments during a market downturn can lead to a depletion of capital and reduction in how long the money will last. By maintaining a cash buffer of, say, two year’s worth of pension payments, redemptions of growth assets can be deferred, giving time for the market to recover.  Cut costs  The Internet abounds with tips on how to cut costs and save money. In difficult economic times cost cutting can help you maintain your financial buffers and important insurances.   Key to cost cutting is tracking your income and expenditure and yes, that means doing a budget. Find the right budgeting app for you and this chore could actually be fun.  Invest in quality  There are many companies out there that have long track records of consistently pumping out profits and dividends. They may not be as exciting (i.e. volatile) as the latest techno fad stocks but when markets get the jitters these blue chip companies are more likely to maintain their value than the newcomers.  This is important. The more volatile a portfolio the more likely an investor is to sell down into a declining market. This turns paper losses into real ones, depriving the investor the opportunity to ride the market back up again.  The other key tool in creating resilient portfolios is diversification. Buying a range of investments both within and across the major asset classes is a fundamental strategy for managing portfolio volatility.  With a well-diversified portfolio of quality assets there is less need to regularly buy and sell individual investments. Unnecessary trading can create ‘tax drag’ where the realisation of even a marginal   capital gain triggers a capital gains tax event and consequent reduction in portfolio value.  Take advice  Building financial resilience can be a complicated process requiring an understanding of a range of issues that need to be balanced against one another and prioritised. Your financial planner is ideally placed to assist you in developing your own, personalised plan for financial resilience.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Nailing your job hunt: A guide for school leavers

Nailing your job hunt: A guide for school leavers

Every January, countless school leavers across Australia embark on their job-hunting journey. A NSW Government survey conducted in 2021 found that of 42,388 secondary school leavers, approximately 50% continued to higher education, while the remaining 50% chose to seek employment (14% apprenticeship; 13% part-time work; 8% full-time work; 7% looking for work; 5% traineeship; 3% other). That’s roughly 21,000 job-seekers – in NSW alone – hitting the employment market all at once! Extrapolate that across all of Australia, and you see where this is going. Given that a single job advertisement might attract scores of applicants, how can you stand out from the crowd? Drawing attention to your resume is easily achieved with little effort. Consider these points: Soft skills Don’t think you have experience? Think again! Perhaps you’ve done volunteer work, played a team sport, performed in a school play or fed the neighbour’s cat while they travelled. A positive attitude, ability to articulate an idea, reliability, problem solve or work in a team are considered soft skills – and they’re highly prized. Your activities and hobbies tell employers a lot about you. Showcase them on your resume and talk about them during interviews. Resilience and EI Employers value candidates demonstrating emotional intelligence (EI) and resilience. EI behaviours include: taking constructive criticism, displaying empathy and patience with others, resolving conflicts, awareness of cultural sensitivities, etc. Characteristics of resilience include: bouncing-back from setbacks, willingness to change, etc. When you provide examples of these attributes, potential employers gain an insight into how you communicate, develop relationships, support others and motivate yourself and those around you. Digital literacy Get familiar with the corporate software and tools specific to your chosen industry. Study advertised position descriptions to understand what companies are using and their expectations of candidates. Resources like LinkedInLearning have literally thousands of online courses. There may be a subscription fee but – huge tip – many local libraries include free LinkedInLearning access as part of your library membership. Prospective employers will be impressed with your effort to upskill yourself and your commitment to ongoing learning. Your brand Conduct a self-audit of your digital presence. Employers often check social media profiles so it’s important your online views and attitudes align with your professional image. Get active on business platforms like LinkedIn, and share and comment on industry content. Build a network by connecting with professionals in your chosen field and attending business events or workshops. Don’t be afraid to reach out for guidance – most people will be pleased to help. Write a schmick resume Check out the government’s Job Jumpstart website (www.jobjumpstart.gov.au) for hints and a whole lot more on writing effective resumes and cover letters. And here’s another big tip: never underestimate the value of correct spelling and punctuation. If you don’t know the difference between their, there and they’re, or your, you’re and yore, polish your grammar skills and don’t rely on spell-check. And finally… Get interview ready. Anticipate questions and practice responding. Remember that there are very few opportunities in life where you’ll be encouraged to talk about yourself and your achievements. So, without being arrogant or braggy, relax and enjoy the moment. If you’re not successful in securing the job, handle it with professionalism and think about where you might improve. Consider it a learning experience rather than failure! Entering the workforce, applying and interviewing for jobs, can be daunting. But when you do land that gig, there’s no buzz to compare with earning your own money. You’ve made it and you’re announcing to the world: I’m on my way, just try and stop me! The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Post Christmas Sales – A Survival Guide 

Post Christmas Sales – A Survival Guide 

We’ve all experienced it… the undeniable allure of post-Christmas sales.   No sooner has Christmas wrapped up for the year than the frenzy of Boxing Day Sales descends upon us.  Every store window beckons, and our inboxes overflow with promises of unbeatable discounts.  But before you indulge in some festive leftovers and make a beeline for the air-conditioned wonderland of sales, let’s take a moment to pause and ponder…   Is that shiny, discounted gadget truly a necessity?   Do those new outfits genuinely add value to your wardrobe?   Or might there be a wiser way to allocate your hard-earned money?  The Allure and Reality of Post-Christmas Sales  The holiday season often leaves our wallets feeling lighter than usual.   Australia’s festive spending reached an eye-watering $74.5 billion in 2022, marking an 8.6% increase from the previous year, according to the Australian Retailers Association.   And Boxing Day? A whopping $1.23 billion was spent in just 24 hours!   These figures aren’t just numbers; they paint a picture of our collective weakness for a good holiday sale.  But here’s the other side of the coin: while sales can offer genuine bargains, they also come with pitfalls. The risk of accumulating more debt is a very real reality for many shoppers, especially with credit cards already stretched thin from holiday shopping.   And let’s face it, impulse purchases can often lead to buyer’s remorse and an overstuffed home.  The Merits of Post-Christmas Sales  While the post-Christmas sales period often comes with warnings of overspending, it’s not all doom and gloom.  When approached with a well-thought-out strategy, these sales can be a great opportunity to secure essential items—be it electronics, clothing, or household goods—at a fraction of their original prices.   But how can one truly benefit without falling into the common traps? The key lies in being discerning.   With a bit of planning and restraint, the post-Christmas sales can be both enjoyable and economically rewarding.  Smart Money Moves Beyond Sales  It’s easy to forget about your bigger picture goals when there are neon signs screaming discounts of 50% OFF or more!  But remember, every dollar spent is a dollar less saved… or put towards those bigger picture goals.    Before you fall prey to the post-Christmas sales, consider these alternatives:  Save for a Rainy Day: Life is unpredictable. Having a safety net can make all the difference.  Debt Reduction: Free yourself from the burden of debt, by paying down your credit cards and/or any loans you have.   Invest: Think stocks, bonds, or other avenues to grow your wealth. (Hello Financial Freedom!)  Financial Goals: Would you rather a new outfit?  Or to be one step closer to that dream holiday, new car, or first home?    Post-Christmas sales can be both a treasure trove and a minefield. The choice is yours.   This festive season don’t succumb blindly to the allure of holiday sale discounts. Instead, either purchase your “need to have” items (remember, be discerning here!), or skip the sales completely and opt to put the money towards your financial goals!   Here’s to spending wisely, and a financially savvy new year!  The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Your recession survival guide

Your recession survival guide

In the ever-fluctuating world of economics, recessions are an inevitable part of the financial cycle.   While they can be daunting, understanding their nature and preparing for their impact can make a significant difference in weathering the storm.   Understanding Recessions  At its core, a recession represents a period where economic activity contracts, often reflected in consecutive quarters of negative GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth. This contraction is not just a statistic on a chart; it resonates through various facets of the economy.   Employment opportunities might become scarcer, leading to job losses or reduced working hours. Households might witness a dip in their income levels, which in turn affects their purchasing power. Consequently, consumer spending, a significant driver of the economy, takes a hit.  The onset of a recession can occur for various reasons, and often it’s a combination of several factors, rather than just one event.   High inflation rates, for instance, can reduce the value of money, prompting consumers to cut back on spending.    Additionally, rising consumer debt can be problematic. While borrowing can boost economic growth in the short term, too much debt can lead to payment defaults, affecting both households and the banks they borrowed from.   Moreover, unexpected events, such as a global health crisis, can interrupt business operations and reduce consumer demand, leading to economic downturns.   It’s the mix of these local and global factors that highlights the intricate nature of recessions and the importance of understanding them.  Preparing Everyday Expenses for a Recession  1. Budgeting: The cornerstone of financial resilience is a well-planned budget. Track your monthly income and expenses, prioritise necessities, and cut back on luxuries. This will not only help you save but also give you a clear picture of where your money goes.  2. Debt Reduction: High-interest debts can cripple your finances. Focus on paying off high-interest debts first, like credit card balances. Consider consolidating your debts or negotiating with lenders for better terms.  3. Emergency Fund: An emergency fund acts as a financial cushion. Aim to save at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses. This fund can be a lifesaver if you face job loss or unexpected expenses during a recession.  Fortifying Your Savings for a Recession  1. Automatic Savings: Set up an automatic transfer to your savings account each month. This ensures you’re consistently saving, making it less tempting to spend that money elsewhere.  2. Diversify Your Savings: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Consider diversifying your savings across different accounts or financial institutions. This can protect your money from bank failures or other unforeseen events.  3. Liquidity is Key: In uncertain times, having access to your savings can be crucial. While long-term deposits or high-yield accounts might offer better interest rates, ensure a portion of your savings is in easily accessible accounts, like a regular savings account or a money market account. This ensures you can quickly access funds without penalties or waiting periods should the need arise.  Navigating Investments During a Recession  1. Review Your Strategy: Recessions are not the time for hasty decisions. Re-evaluate your investment strategy in light of the current economic climate. Ensure your portfolio aligns with your long-term financial goals.  2. Seek Professional Advice: If you’re unsure about your investments, consult a financial adviser. They can provide insights tailored to your situation and help you make informed decisions.  3. Avoid Impulsive Moves: It’s natural to feel anxious during economic downturns. However, making impulsive investment decisions based on fear can lead to significant losses. Stay informed, be patient, and remember that recessions are temporary.  Recessions, while challenging, are a natural part of the economic cycle. By understanding their nature and preparing in advance, you can not only survive, but thrive, during these times.   Remember, the key is to be proactive, stay informed, and make well-considered financial decisions. With the right strategies in place, you can navigate any economic storm with confidence!  The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Harvesting Financial Success

Harvesting Financial Success

Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your financial habits as well as your garden!  Here are 5 ways to set you, and your garden, up for success:  1. Plan your garden: Start with deciding what type of garden you want. In other words, get clear about what goals you want to achieve and by when. Once you have your list of goals prioritise them, so you know where to focus your efforts.  Tip: If a goal is large and will take some time to achieve, set yourself some smaller goals with shorter timeframes along the way.   2. Pull out the weeds: You don’t see garden designers on TV rushing in to plant a new garden without getting rid of the weeds first. In financial terms this is the same as eliminating bad debt. Bad debt is debt used to purchase things that don’t go up in value, like cars and household goods. Financing purchases with credit card debt (where the entire balance isn’t paid off each month), personal loans and perhaps ‘buy now, pay later’ facilities mean paying very high interest rates or late fees. Your total cost ends up much more than the original purchase price. These are your weeds – pull them out and don’t let them take hold again!  3. Prepare the soil: A key element to a flourishing garden is good soil. For us this is managing our cashflow. For many people our income is fairly consistent, so the focus is on managing outflows. Think of this as a spending plan not a budget. The ‘B’ word has a strong association with denial and, much like a diet, too much restriction can be counter-productive. Be honest when completing it as you need to know exactly where your cash is going. Your adviser can be a huge help with this. It’s an opportunity to look at your spending and think again about your goals. Is the enjoyment you get from three streaming services more than what you’ll get from achieving your goal? What do you want more?  Tip: Ways to reduce spending often require some planning. Taking lunch to work can save a heap of money. Too rushed to do it in the morning? Make something the night before – and remember to take it with you the next day!  4. Plant your garden: This is where things start to take shape! Gardens often start small so think of this as your initial investment which over time becomes larger and larger. In your financial life this is the power of compounding. To help those initial plants fill out your garden quicker you can add other small plants over time. This is known as dollar cost averaging or adding regularly to your initial investment to boost the effect of compounding.   5. Protect from pests: Your garden will appreciate some help to guard against pests and disease. In the same way it’s a good idea for you to protect your biggest asset – your ability to earn income. Income protection and other types of life insurance can protect you against unexpected events and prevent all the hard work you’ve put into your financial garden from unravelling.  Success requires commitment because, just like droughts which affect your garden, there will be times when reaching your goal seems hard going. Don’t abandon your dreams! With clear goals, elimination of bad debt, a realistic cashflow plan, disciplined regular saving and protection of your biggest asset, you’ll be harvesting rewards season after season!  The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.    

Are we jeopardising the bank of Mum & Dad?

Are we jeopardising the bank of Mum & Dad?

The temptation is obvious. Soaring house prices have made buying a home tough for most home buyers and prompted many parents to think they should step in and make a financial contribution.  The typical argument is that Mum and Dad don’t really need the money and that their children will inherit it one day anyway so it might as well be now when it can do some real good.  As a result of this thinking, the Bank of Mum and Dad is now estimated to be one of the top 10 mortgage lenders in the country, as more and more people turn to their parents for financial help when buying a home.  According to Digital Finance Analytics, parents are now contributing $90,000 on average towards the first home deposit of each of their adult children, up 20 per cent in the past twelve months.  With the median house price in Australia’s combined capital cities now $896,000, parents contribute just over 10 per cent as a deposit, or if two sets of parents are involved, 20 per cent as a deposit.  For most parents, this is a large amount of money, which can be given to their children either as a straight-out gift or as a formal loan or so-called ‘soft’ loan.  Typically, this is done by drawing down against the value of their home as security and gifting the funds or providing a guarantee for their child to buy a home using their home as collateral.  The financial comparison site, Finder, estimates that 60 per cent of all first-home buyers access funds from their parents to buy their first home.  More, it found that 50 per cent of these children were facing some level of financial stress before deciding to buy a property with the help of their parents.  While gaining financial support from Mum and Dad might be essential for many Australians to take that first step onto the home ownership ladder, is it a good decision for Mum and Dad?  While some parents can afford this financial handout, it is only the case for some. Figures from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia show 1.68 million, or more than half of all Australians over 70, have no super.  Of those older Australians who do have super, the median value is between $100,000 and $149,000, suggesting few in this age bracket have funds they can afford to give away.  ASFA estimates only 185,000 Australians have $500,000 or more in super, and about 27,325 individuals have more than $2 million in super – a figure where giving funds to children might be affordable.  These figures change considerably for Australians in the 50–70 age bracket as these younger Australians have had access to super for longer.   However, it’s clear that the Bank of Mum and Dad is not as flush with funds as suspected, and many are sowing the seeds of their own financial destruction.  While it is simple in the first flush of retirement to think there is more than enough to support Mum and Dad for as long as they live, life events might undermine this.  No one knows how long they will live or what medical issues they may face through retirement, which could mean they themselves need every cent they have.  Throw in the prospect of one or both parents needing to move into a nursing home at some stage, which can be a significant cost of around $500,000 per parent; then their finances start looking very shaky.  The real fear is that in trying to help their children buy a home, all the Bank of Mum and Dad is really doing is pushing up house prices and sowing the seeds of their own financial problems.  The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice. 

Financial Education for a Successful Future 

Financial Education for a Successful Future 

Think back to when you got your first job and that sweet taste of financial independence. Regardless of what age you started working, it’s unlikely you knew how to manage that first paycheck.  Let’s face it; our world isn’t particularly adept at teaching financial literacy to the younger generation.   I don’t know about you, but when I was in school, we learned trigonometry (SOH-CAH-TOA is still permanently etched in my brain), which has been helpful for all the times I’ve needed to solve the missing sides and angles of a right triangle, but not so much for managing my financial affairs as an adult.    It’s time we change that narrative by sparking open, honest discussions about money and giving our young adults the financial tools they need to flourish.  The Need for Open Discussions About Finance  Money talk has often been cloaked in secrecy, even considered taboo in some households. This needs to change.   Parents can play an integral role in setting their children up for financial success by fostering an environment where money conversations flow freely. Open dialogue demystifies the world of finance and empowers young adults to make informed decisions.  Using Positive Language  As we foster an environment of open discussions around money, it’s important to remember that the language we use significantly impacts the subconscious beliefs and attitudes our children will develop.    Just as negativity can breed fear and anxiety, positive language can cultivate a healthy relationship with money.   Instead of saying, “We can’t afford this,” try saying, “Let’s work out how we can save for this.” This small shift in dialogue encourages a mindset of abundance and possibility rather than scarcity. It helps young adults view financial challenges as opportunities for growth, aiding them in building a positive and proactive belief system around money.  Financial Goal Setting  Goals give us direction and purpose.   Whether saving for a first car, paying off a student loan, or investing in their first property, encouraging young adults to set and work towards financial goals from an early age is a great way to help them build discipline and a future focussed mindset.  It’s equally important to celebrate milestones, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement nurtures a sense of achievement and motivation, propelling them further on their financial journey. The Essentials of Budgeting  Ever heard of the saying, “Failing to plan is planning to fail”?   That’s precisely why budgeting is so important. Budgeting is not about limiting yourself; it’s about making your money work for you.   The 50/30/20 rule, where 50% of your income goes towards needs, 30% towards wants, and 20% towards savings, is a great place to start for young adults because it’s simple and gets them in the habit of saving from an early age.    Understanding and Practicing Responsible Spending  Managing your money doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the things you enjoy. It’s all about responsible spending.   Need versus want is a timeless debate, but helping young adults to understand the difference is key.   Impulse spending is something that can often sabotage budgeting and saving efforts. A great tip for young adults to help them avoid impulse spending is to implement a 48-hour waiting period for non-essential spending. This allows time to consider whether the purchase is within their budget and aligned with their financial goals.    We’re not just equipping our young adults with financial knowledge but empowering them to build a successful financial future.   So, let’s keep the money conversations flowing and start helping our young adults build habits that will set them up for financial success. The narrative changes today!     The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.   

Discovering Your Financial Mindset

Discovering Your Financial Mindset

In the quest for financial stability and success, we often focus on tangible elements like earning more money, saving diligently, or investing wisely. But have you ever stopped to consider the role your financial mindset plays in achieving your financial goals. Understanding financial mindset Your financial mindset is a set of beliefs and attitudes you hold about money — how you earn it, save it, spend it, and invest it. This mindset largely influences your financial behaviours, decisions and ultimately your financial success.   Each mindset carries a unique perspective about money, influencing your financial decision-making process.   There are four common financial mindsets: 1. The Spender enjoys the thrill of the present, often overlooking long-term financial security for immediate gratification. If you frequently find yourself making impulsive purchases, or your credit card balance perpetually outweighs your savings, you may identify with this mindset. 2. The Saver is characterised by frugality and a steady focus on long-term financial security. If you diligently maintain a budget or feel a sense of accomplishment when growing your savings, the Saver mindset most likely resonates with you. 3. The Avoider, often plagued by financial anxiety, tends to shy away from money matters. If you find bills and bank statements overwhelming, or frequently procrastinate financial planning, you likely have an Avoider mindset. 4. The Investor sees money as a tool for wealth creation. If you appreciate the potential of assets and are willing to take calculated risks for future returns, you are most likely aligned with the Investor mindset. Identifying Your Current Financial Mindset  So how do you uncover your financial mindset? It begins with self-reflection –    Do you often worry about money, or do you feel confident about your financial situation?   Are you comfortable taking calculated financial risks, or does the thought of investing scare you?   Do you view money as a tool for achieving your dreams, or a necessary evil to be managed?  Examining your feelings and behaviours around money can provide valuable insights into your current financial mindset. This process is beneficial because it sets the stage for potential shifts in perspective that can improve your financial life.    Once identified, you can analyse your money behaviours, uncover potential blind spots, and take action to optimise your financial decision-making. For instance –   If you identify as a Spender, incorporating a budget and automating savings can provide some balance to your financial outlook.   Savers could benefit by introducing an element of investment to their financial strategy, allowing their savings to work harder for them.   Avoiders must confront their fears and actively engage with their finances, perhaps by seeking professional guidance.   While Investors generally have a positive approach, ensuring a balanced portfolio to mitigate risks is essential.  Transforming your financial mindset requires commitment, patience, and time. Take it slow and make gradual changes as you grow more comfortable with your changing perspective on money.  It’s not just about money; it’s about your attitude towards it. Adjusting your financial mindset means transforming both how you see money and how you engage with it, paving the path to financial success.     The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

4 Time-Tested Investment Strategies for Young Investors

4 Time-Tested Investment Strategies for Young Investors

The newest generation of young investors were raised during the Age of Information. Growing up alongside the internet, this generation has been exposed to more information and technological advancement than any generation before them. Young investors have greater access to education around investing, more diverse opportunities for investing, as well as a rise in social media content creators creating communities around building wealth – making this topic much more popular among younger generations. However, the world of investing can still seem intimidating, especially for young adults who are just starting out. While investing does involve risk, there are some time-tested investing strategies that all young investors should adopt to set themselves up for success: 1. Know your financial goals Before investing, it’s essential to know what you’re working towards. Are you saving for a house deposit? Or are you building wealth so that you can retire early? You may want to launch a business. Or start a family? Knowing your financial goals can help determine the best investment strategy for you. Once you have set your goals, you can develop a financial plan for achieving these through investing. 2. Start small and grow your portfolio over time When starting, you might think you don’t have “enough” to begin investing. Starting small and gradually increasing your portfolio over time is a great way to begin. It allows you to “learn the ropes” and build your knowledge and confidence over time, without feeling like you have too much at stake. Getting started sooner rather than later also means you’re taking advantage of the power of compounding returns. Compounding returns happen when you reinvest your investment earnings, allowing your investments to grow over time. The earlier you start investing, the more time your investments have to compound, leading to significant long-term growth. 3. Diversify your investments You might have heard the term ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’, which, in the world of investing, translates to ‘Don’t put all your money in one investment’. Diversifying your investments across different asset types is a key strategy that can be used to lower portfolio risk and provide more stable investment returns. 4. Keep calm… and remember your investment plan Investing should generally be viewed as a long-term strategy, as markets are cyclical and typically go through periods of growth, decline and stagnancy. This means that you will likely experience a market crash at some point in your investing journey, which can be a scary time for investors. It’s important to stay calm and avoid making impulsive investment decisions. In many cases, the best strategy during a market crash is to stay the course and stick to your investment plan. Further, market corrections can often present a great opportunity to invest as markets sell off and asset prices reduce. As Warren Buffet said: “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful”. While investing may seem daunting at first, incorporating these fundamental strategies will pave the way for success. And a final tip… Seek expert guidance! A financial adviser can help you set achievable financial goals, plan ahead, and making informed investment decisions that will keep you on track towards building lasting wealth. Don’t navigate the financial world alone – let us be your partner in success! The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Why millennials should be mapping their retirement today

Why millennials should be mapping their retirement today

While millennials have for decades been treated like ‘the children of Neverland, who never grew up’, reality is fast catching up with this generation, who are now young adults between the ages of 24 and 40. Like generations before them, they are now buying, or at least trying to buy, homes and starting families of their own. And with this, the stark reality is that their retirement is looming just around the corner in the early years of 2050. For all too many, planning for their retirement is just something they don’t want to face. But the reality is that the sooner they start ‘mapping’ or preparing for their retirement, the better off they will be. According to Investopedia, if you are a 26-year-old millennial, you should aim over the next four years to have at least one year’s worth of income in your superannuation fund. If you are a 40-year-old millennial, you should already have three times your annual income in super. They suggest millennials should contribute at least 15 per cent of their gross salary, including the 10 per cent compulsory super guarantee contribution, to superannuation each year if they have any chance of achieving a secure retirement. This seems a pipe dream for Marion, who is 29 and earns $95,000 a year as a successful professional accountant. While her employer contributes 10.5 per cent of her income to super, she has less than $100,000 in super, and is more focused on boosting her non-super savings of $75,000, so she can buy a small apartment. She is not alone. Most millennials, burdened by HECS debts and increasingly casual employment arrangements, will find the need to boost their super contributions a challenge, especially as most millennials, like Marion, are also struggling to save a deposit for an ever more expensive home of their own. They know they will live longer than previous generations and that health and living costs will be much greater for them in retirement, while social security entitlements will be much less than what their grandparents received. Nonetheless, when asked, millennials want to retire earlier than previous generations and are looking for a different type of retirement. One where they can travel more while still enjoying doing so and keep working on a casual part-time basis, but only if they enjoy the work. All of this means that amongst all the competing demands on their time and money, superannuation has to become part of the landscape of Neverland. For Marion, it has meant searching for a better superannuation fund with lower fees and better investment options while scaling back her plans to buy an apartment and perhaps relying more on the Bank of Mum and Dad to help her do so. As previous generations have done, millennials need to take control of their superannuation, and the sooner, the better. The first step is to consolidate any multiple super accounts into one and then, wherever possible, boost their contributions to the magic 15 per cent mark. Happily, most millennials, including those who are self-employed, will have a super fund and will only need to add an extra 5 per cent to take their total contributions to 15 per cent of their prevailing salary. Then they can leave compound interest to work its magic and, like a snowball rolling down a hillside, build the balance within their super. It’s then a matter of working closely with our advisers who can ensure your superannuation stays on track and help you to achieve the best possible outcomes when you do start thinking seriously about retiring.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Thriving in the ‘Gig Economy’

Thriving in the ‘Gig Economy’

If you’re a freelancer or contractor or maybe even a consultant then you’re part of the “gig economy”. Gone is the job for life, or even a job in the normal, employed meaning of the word. For you, work consists of short-term contracts or a series of one-off jobs. “Gigs” as the band down at the pub might put it. For some, gig work is a liberating choice that allows them to work their own hours, holiday when they like and work wherever they wish. For others it’s a necessity in a weak job market where under-employment and age discrimination is rife, and more companies choose to outsource specific tasks. Key to the gig economy is technology, be it an Uber app, Skype, crowdsourcing sites or just email and the Web. A study found that 4.1 million Australians had freelanced in 2014/15, and it’s a trend more likely to grow than diminish. So if you’re a “gig worker” what can you do to make the most of your situation? It’s business If you’re happy picking up the odd jobs that fall into your lap for a little extra money, that’s fine. But if you are looking to earn a full-time income then you’re in business and need to operate accordingly. To begin with, you need to know: Who your potential clients are; How to reach out to them; How to gain referrals; The processes you have to put into place to track your work, issue invoices, and make sure you get paid on time; How to meet your tax obligations. Protect yourself Depending on the work you do and the requirements of your clients you may need a range of insurances: Professional indemnity insurance – if there’s any chance a client could sue you in relation to the work you are engaged to complete. Public liability insurance – in case your work activities cause injury to a member of the public. Income protection insurance – you may be eligible for workers’ compensation insurance, but the rules vary from state to state, depend on your business structure, and only cover work-related injuries. Income protection insurance will also cover you against illness and non-work-related injuries. Life insurance – if you have dependents but little in the way of net assets. Think long term Can you build your business into something you can sell? If not, how will you fund your retirement? As a gig worker you’re unlikely to receive compulsory superannuation contributions, but you can (and should) make your own contributions. Personal contributions are tax deductible up to the annual concessional cap of $27,500. Get advice All state and territory governments have departments of business that offer a wealth of information and support for small businesses. Check out the help available in your state. And talk to your financial adviser. Aside from being able to look at your insurance, savings and super needs, your adviser may be an experienced small business operator, a potential mentor, and a valuable member of your network. Contact us today!   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

A helping hand for the holidays

A helping hand for the holidays

Summer and the festive season are times we all look forward to, balmy evenings, relaxing holidays and social get-togethers. Like a beacon on the horizon, it provides something to aim for as we work, play and navigate our way through twelve, long months. Our modern world is busier and more stressful than ever, and for many, the holidays also represent a time when feelings of isolation, worries over work, finances and family conflicts, seem intensified. A time when more families than ever seek the assistance of charities. Tin-rattling events and fundraising campaigns don’t happen as often over the Christmas period. Charity chocolate boxes – always popular in the office – are ineffective if most people are on leave. So how can you help? People are traditionally very generous around Christmas-time, but for some organisations, it’s not always about cash; there are ways to contribute that don’t involve donating money. For example, the needs of disadvantaged children are foremost for organisations such as The Smith Family. This organisation focuses on enabling children to build better futures for themselves; aiming to break the poverty-cycle through education. Regardless of your education, skill set or background, if you want to make a difference to the lives of children, see www.thesmithfamily.com.au for further information. During times of crisis, not everyone has a shoulder to lean on, yet a caring ear is close by thanks to organisations like Lifeline. Lifeline provides emotional support 24/7, existing, “…so that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone.” Lifeline has a volunteer program where you can be trained to support people in need via phone or web chat. Alternatively, Lifeline can assist you to set up your own personalised fundraising page so instead of receiving gifts for your wedding, anniversary, birthday (whatever occasion you choose), friends and family can donate to Lifeline instead. For further details, go to www.lifeline.org.au. During the holiday season, with all the associated excitement and frenetic activity, it’s easy to forget the voiceless, those unable to speak for, and support, themselves. This time of year, wildlife charities struggle through lack of funding, and an inundation of animals injured or left homeless after bushfires, habitat loss or road accidents. While cash donations are needed to buy food and medicine, if you’re unable to help financially, donations of bedding, old towels, blankets and food are equally important. You can also organise your own fundraising event. Alternatively, if you’re a knitter you can make possum-pouches, or those handy on the tools, can assist wildlife carers in building pens, fences and enclosures for animals. Each state has administrative wildlife centres that distribute aid and workers where they’re most needed, in Victoria contact Wildlife Victoria www.wildlifevictoria.org.au. As we face the end of the year our focus is naturally on summer holidays and festive celebrations but remember that if you or your family are experiencing difficulty, these charities exist for you too. So now we turn to a new year. We draw a line beneath the last one and look forward to twelve months of renewal and possibility.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice. 

4 fool-proof ways to keep on top of your credit cards

4 fool-proof ways to keep on top of your credit cards

Credit cards certainly make life easier – they are simple to use, accepted almost everywhere, and help you to buy what you want, when you want, particularly online. So much so that living close to the credit limit has become the norm for many people and spending can quickly get out of hand. To make sure your credit card works in your best interests, use these tips to stay on top of your debt. Routine is key We all know how easy it is to let things get away from us. Just like that power bill sitting at the bottom of the stack of mail on the bench or “accidentally” bingeing an entire Netflix season while the laundry piles up, we tend to postpone boring, albeit important, tasks. Create a routine, though, and you’ll complete these jobs simply out of habit. It can be as easy as setting a monthly reminder in your calendar to check that your credit card payments are up to date. Paying your credit card balance off in full each month, will help you avoid pesky interest fees. This handy tip will also help you avoid any late fees! Make use of technology If organisation skills are not your forte, why not take advantage of the many apps and services designed to help? ‘Mint’ is one of the many useful apps available that will organise your spending into categories, helping you ensure there is always cash to go towards your credit card repayments. Making use of automatic payments in your banking app can also be helpful. Payments will be made on time and best of all, once set up, you don’t have to lift a finger! Cash advances cost more When money is tight, people are forced to use their cards for cash advances (withdrawing cash) instead of just purchasing goods and services… and in doing so, are paying a high price for the privilege. Interest is charged immediately on a cash advance and at a higher rate than purchases. Even if you have an interest-free card, you will immediately start paying interest as soon as you withdraw cash using your card. If you must take cash off your card, repay it as quickly as possible. Emergency funds will save the day! You’ve probably heard about the importance of emergency funds, and with good reason! If we’ve learnt anything over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic it’s just how quickly things can change, particularly within our economy. So, whether it’s an increase in the cost of living or a rise in interest rates, it is vital to have a bit of spare cash handy. A good place to start is with an emergency fund calculator. It will consider your income, savings, and living expenses, and provide an estimate of how much spare cash you should be saving for a rainy day. Realistically, many of us couldn’t get by without our credit cards, but it is vital that we use them in a way that only provides a benefit to our lifestyle. The secret to credit card success — keep your spending responsible and pay the full balance off every month; otherwise, the only winners are the banks.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Why financial advice may be your best investment

Why financial advice may be your best investment

It is commonly assumed that seeking financial advice is for the wealthy, and it only helps the rich become richer, yet financial advice can prove useful to anyone who wishes to better their financial future. Financial advice is like getting a health check-up for your financial situation. Your financial adviser is like your personal trainer, assisting you in achieving your best possible financial health. Seeking professional financial advice provides you with a clear path to achieve your financial goals, and that is an investment worth making. Why invest in financial advice? Financial advice isn’t only about investing your money in the share market. Want to save to buy your first home? Want to protect your children in case of your death? Want to enjoy a comfortable retirement? Don’t understand what to do with your super or how to invest in the share market? Think of a financial adviser as a one-stop shop for the majority of your financial issues in life. Come to think of it, be it your parents telling you to save money from your first job or an Instagram ‘finfluencer’ explaining the benefits of compound interest while dancing to a trendy song, these are all informal pieces of financial advice you receive throughout your lifetime. However, a professional adviser can legally provide holistic advice by reviewing your entire financial situation and your risk-taking capacity to recommend an appropriate investment portfolio. Also, an adviser’s investment recommendations are based on research which can give you comfort over your decisions rather than constantly worrying about the investment you made based on your work colleague’s stock ‘tip’. Is financial advice cost effective? The financial advice industry has undergone a monumental transformation following the Financial Services Royal Commission of 2017-2019. As a result, new education and compliance requirements have been legislated to further protect the client’s best interests. This has led to a drop in the number of financial advisers Australia-wide – from approximately 28,000 in 2018 to just 19,000 in 2021. The silver lining here is that while there are fewer advisers to choose from, the quality of advice is deemed to improve exponentially. As per Russell Investments “Value of an Adviser” report, advisers added a value of approximately 5.2 per cent to their client’s portfolios in the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Still, the true value of financial advice is much more than comparing the fees you pay against the performance of your investments, or the tax saved on your income. A financial adviser can be a sounding board for your financial ideas, a resource to answer the simplest or most complex of queries, provide research-backed recommendations, and guide you over the long term based on their experience. Ready to make the investment? Your day to day job may not allow you to focus on the financial aspect of your life. In contrast, your financial adviser’s primary daily responsibility is to help you handle your finances efficiently. So, are you ready for your financial check-up? Take the first step and book an appointment with us today.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Mistakes new investors should avoid

Mistakes new investors should avoid

You’re young, expecting a satisfying future brimming with friends, family and a comfortable lifestyle. You’re a Next Generation Investor, likely aged between 18 and 25, and you’re starting to think about financial security. According to an Australian Stock Exchange study, nearly a quarter of all investors over the past two years were Next Generation Investors. Additionally, some 27% of surveyed people under age 25 intend to invest over the next year. The excitement of embarking on a journey toward financial freedom is common, as is confusion, after all, in the rush of enthusiasm, how can you ensure you get the decisions made for the future, right today? What are the rookie mistakes to watch out for? Here are a few that can be easily avoided. Not clearing debt first Loans and credit cards have a knack for eating away income. It is recommended that you clear as much debt as possible before committing to serious investments. Track your spending to spot potential savings, then channel that cash towards your debts. Every little bit helps. No strategy Desire to build wealth through investment is not a strategy. The end game determines which investments will be most suitable. Consider how you feel about risk and whether you’ll need access to your money. Successful investment strategies are planned. If it feels overwhelming, seek professional advice to help you build your strategy. You’ll be surprised at how inexpensive a financial adviser can be. Not diversifying Generally speaking, the higher the potential return, the higher the potential risk. Market-linked investments, like shares, can be big-earners, but you’ll have to ride economic ups-and-downs to get there – sometimes for ten years or more. If this worries you, consider lower-risk investments. Conservative in nature, their returns are generally lower. Decide how much risk you’re comfortable with. You may be better off minimising exposure to high-risk assets by diversifying your portfolio with a variety of investment types. Trying to predict the market Investment markets are notoriously unpredictable. Buying shares at the wrong time can mean you pay more than you should, similarly, selling at the wrong time can result in losses. Short-term buying and selling might seem exciting, but it’s a fast-track to losing money. The way around this is, research, diversification and being prepared to stay the distance. Review No investment is a set-and-forget scheme. Always keep track of your savings and your ongoing investment plan, ensuring that it continues to align with your goals, particularly as they change over time. A new car may be your priority today but fast-forward a couple of years and perhaps marriage and children are your priorities. As your goals change, so must your investment strategy. A few other things… Fees and taxes are unavoidable and various investments attract different expenses and tax structures. Find out what you’re up for before making financial decisions. Feeling lost? The Australian Stock Exchange offers free online courses and the Government’s MoneySmart website has a free info Starter Pack to get you underway. Of course, nothing beats professional advice tailored to your needs. The Financial Planning Association of Australia will put you in touch with a qualified adviser suitable for you. Strategic investing sets you up financially and helps create a savings habit for life. Your financial future begins today.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

When was the last time you paid cash?

When was the last time you paid cash?

Prior to COVID, we were steadily moving towards a cashless world. Post 2020, even the most resilient of us has made the leap to tap-and-go payments sooner than we expected. From the morning coffee to filling up the petrol tank, we wave that plastic with little thought to the impact on our account balances. In fairness to us, many retailers are now adopting the ‘no-cash please’ trading regime, but we Australians have a reputation for embracing technology and touchless shopping is no exception. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Australian household debt is currently sitting at around 210% of net disposable income. That places us fifth in the world, behind Denmark (257%), Norway (240%), Netherlands (236%) and Switzerland (223%). Compared with countries with spending habits similar to our own – the USA with (105%) and the UK (142%) – we’re quite high. If your debt level is pushing northwards of your preferred limit, here are a few ideas for getting, and staying, on track: – Pay your full card balance off every monthSure, it’s an oldie but a goodie. You know what you need to do; if your current balance is too high, pay more than the minimum amount. The first step in breaking the credit cycle is to get off it, which leads into our next point: – Create a realistic budgetThis will identify where your money is going and how much extra you can pay off your credit cards. The government’s Moneysmart website has a free budget planner to help you. Alternatively, chat with your financial planner and work with them to develop a payment strategy to get your debts under control, and stay that way. – Keep your tap-and-go receipts and reconcile them against your account each weekThis is one of the best ways to see exactly how much you’re shelling out, and on what. You’ll identify areas of unnecessary spending, and you’ll spot any errors or dodgy transactions. – Instead of a credit card for your touchless transactions, consider using a pre-paid cardAvailable from banks and other financial institutions – even Australia Post offers one – you load it with your own money and use it for in-person or online shopping. It’s just like a credit card but without the risk of getting into debt. – Consider your subscriptionsYou know, streaming services, magazines and memberships, etc. Many renew automatically and the first you’ll know about it is an unexpected – often expensive – transaction on your card. Do a stocktake to see what subscriptions you have and decide if you really need them. For those you no longer need, change your subscription settings so they don’t automatically renew. Don’t worry, they’ll alert you when the renewal is due in case you change your mind! We’re definitely living in an interesting time. Our lives have altered in ways we’d never have imagined and we Australians, in our typical way, are adapting to these ‘new-norms’. This is a good thing, just as long as we stay in control!   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

It’s not too late for super planning in your 60s

It’s not too late for super planning in your 60s

For most Australians, their 60s is the decade that marks retirement. For some this means a graceful slide into a fulfilling life of leisure, enjoying the fruits of a lifetime of hard work. However, for many it means a substantial drop in income and living standards. So how can you make the most of the last few years of work before taking that big step into retirement? How are we tracking as a nation? In 2015-2016, 50% of men aged 60-64 had super balances of less than $110,000. For women the figure was a more alarming $36,000 – not even enough to provide a single person with a ‘modest’ lifestyle. Last minute lift If your super is looking a little on the thin side there are a few ways to give it a boost before retirement. – Make the most of your concessional contributions cap. Ask your employer if you can increase your employer contributions under a ‘salary sacrifice’ arrangement. Alternatively, you can claim a tax deduction for personal contributions you make. Total concessional contributions must not exceed $25,000 per year. – Investigate the benefits of a ‘transition to retirement’ (TTR) income stream. This can be combined with a re-contribution strategy that, depending on your marginal tax rate, can give your retirement savings a significant boost. – Review your investment strategy. A common view is that as we near retirement our investments should be shifted to the conservative end of the risk and return spectrum. However, in an age of low returns and longer life expectancies, some growth assets may be required to provide the returns that will be necessary to support a long and comfortable retirement. – Make non-concessional contributions. If you have substantial funds outside of super it may be worthwhile transferring them into the concessionally taxed super environment. You can contribute up to $100,000 per year, or $300,000 within a three-year period. A work test applies if you are over 65. – The 60s is often a time for home downsizing. This can free up some cash to help with retirement. The ‘downsizer contribution’ allows a couple to jointly contribute up to $600,000 to superannuation without it counting towards their non-concessional contributions caps. Get it right This important decade is when you will make the key decisions that will determine your quality of life in retirement. Those decisions are both numerous and complex. Quality, knowledgeable advice is critical, and wherever you are on your path to retirement, now is always the best time to talk to your licensed financial adviser. Contact us today for a chat.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Push the super pedal down in your 50s

Push the super pedal down in your 50s

If 50 really is the new 40, then life has just begun. The kids are gaining independence or may have left home, and the mortgage could be a thing of the past. Bliss. But galloping towards you is… retirement! Here are some ways to boost your retirement savings. Increase your pre-tax contributionsYou can ask your employer to reduce your take-home pay and make larger contributions to your super fund. If you are self-employed, you can increase your level of tax-deductible contributions. This strategy is commonly known as ‘salary sacrifice’. If you are earning between $120,001 and $180,000 per year, any income between those limits is taxed at 39%. Salary sacrifice contributions to your superannuation fund are only taxed at 15%. Sacrificing just $1,000 per month to super will, over the course of a year, see you better off by $2,880 on the tax differences alone. Plus, the earnings on those super contributions will be taxed at only 15%, compared to investment earnings outside of super being taxed at your marginal rate. Don’t overdo it though. If your salary sacrifice plus superannuation guarantee contributions add up to more than $25,000 this year, the excess is added to your assessable income and taxed at your marginal tax rate. Retiring slowlyOnce you reach your preservation age you might start a ‘transition to retirement’ (TTR) pension from your superannuation fund. The idea is to allow people to reduce working hours without reducing their income. Keep your money workingThere is a tendency to opt for more secure, but lower-return investments as we approach retirement. However, even at retirement your investment horizon may still be decades. With cash and fixed interest producing some of their lowest returns in history, it may be beneficial to keep a significant portion of your portfolio invested in growth assets. Insurance and death benefitsWith the mortgage paid off or much diminished and a growing investment pool, your insurance needs have probably changed. This is a good time to review your insurance cover to ensure it continues to be a match for your changing circumstances. It’s also a good idea to check the death benefit nomination with your super fund. By making a binding nomination you can ensure that your death benefit goes to the beneficiaries of your choice, and may mean they receive the money more quickly. Get a plan!Superannuation provides many opportunities for boosting your retirement wealth. However, it is a complex area and strategies that benefit some people may harm others. Good advice is absolutely essential, and the sooner you sit down with a licensed financial adviser, the better your chances of having more when you reach the finishing line. Contact us today to get started.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

It’s time to get focused on super in your 40s

It’s time to get focused on super in your 40s

Typically your forties is a time of established careers, teenage kids and a mortgage that is no longer daunting. There are still plenty of demands on the budget, but by this age there’s a good chance there’s some spare cash that can be put to good use. A beneficial sacrificeAt this age, a popular strategy for boosting retirement savings is ‘salary sacrifice’ in which you take a cut in take-home pay in exchange for additional pre-tax contributions to your super. If you are self-employed, you can increase your tax-deductible contributions, within the concessional limit, to gain the same benefit. Salary sacrificing provides a double benefit. Not only are you adding more money to your retirement balance, these contributions and their earnings are taxed at only 15%. If you earn between $90,001 and $180,000 per year that money would otherwise be taxed at 39%. Sacrifice $1,000 per month over the course of a year and you’ll be $2,880 better off just from the tax benefits alone. It’s important to remember that if combined salary sacrifice and superannuation guarantee contributions exceed $25,000 in a given year the amount above this limit will be added to your assessable income and taxed at your marginal tax rate. What about the mortgage?Paying the mortgage down quickly has long been a sound wealth-building strategy for many. Current low interest rates and the tax benefits of salary sacrifice, combined with a good long-term investment return, means that putting your money into super produces the better outcome in most cases. One caveat – if you think you might need to access that money before retiring don’t put it into super. Pay down the mortgage and redraw should you need to. Let the government contributeLow-income earners can pick up an easy, government-sponsored, 50% return on their investment just by making an after-tax contribution to their super fund. If you can contribute $1,000 of your own money to super, you could receive up to $500 as a co-contribution. Another strategy that may help some couples is contribution splitting. This is where a portion of one partner’s superannuation contributions are rolled over to the partner on a lower income. Your financial adviser will be able to help you decide if this strategy would benefit you. Protect what you can’t afford to loseWith debts and dependants, adequate life insurance cover is crucial. Holding cover through superannuation may provide benefits such as lower premiums, a tax deduction to the super fund and reduced strain on cash flow. Make sure the sum insured is sufficient for your needs as default cover amounts are usually well short of what’s required. Seek professional adviceThe forties is an important decade for wealth creation with many things to consider, so talk to us and we’ll help you make sure the next 20 years are the best for your super.   This is general information only

Pay attention to super in your 30s

Pay attention to super in your 30s

If you are in your 30s, chances are life revolves around children and a mortgage – not super. And as much as we love our kids, the fact is they cost quite a lot. As for the mortgage, this is the age during which repayments are generally at their highest, relative to income. And on top of that, one parent is often not working, or working only part time. Even if children aren’t a factor, career building is paramount during this decade. Don’t be alarmed, but by the time a 35-year-old couple today reaches retirement age in 32 years’ time, the effects of inflation could mean that they will need an income of about $150,000 per year to enjoy a ‘comfortable’ retirement. To support that level of income for up to 30 years in retirement they will want to have built a combined nest egg of about $2.7 million! If you are on a 30% or higher marginal tax rate, willing to stash some cash for the long term, and would like to reduce your tax bill, then consider making salary sacrifice (pre-tax) contributions to super. For most people super contributions and earnings are taxed at 15%, so savings will grow faster in super than outside it. Even if you can’t make additional contributions right now there is one thing you can do to help achieve a comfortable retirement: ensure your super is invested in an appropriate portfolio. With decades to go until retirement, a portfolio with a higher proportion of shares, property and other growth assets is likely to out-perform one that is dominated by cash and fixed interest investments. But be mindful: the higher the return, the higher the associated risk. For any young family, financial protection is crucial. The loss of or disablement of either parent would be disastrous. In most cases both parents should be covered by life and disability insurance. If this insurance is taken out through your superannuation fund the premiums are paid out of your accumulated super balance. While this means that your ultimate retirement benefit will be a bit less than if you took out insurance directly, it doesn’t impact on the current family budget. However, don’t just accept the amount of cover that many funds automatically provide. It may not be adequate for your needs. Whether it’s super, insurance, establishing investments or building your career, there’s a lot to think about when you’re thirty-something. It’s an ideal age to start some serious financial planning, so contact us today about putting a plan into place.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

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