Retirement Planning for Couples with an Age Gap: 5 Conversations You Need to Have

Retirement Planning for Couples with an Age Gap: 5 Conversations You Need to Have

Planning for retirement can be challenging enough, but when there’s a significant age difference between partners, it adds another layer of complexity.  Different life stages often mean differing priorities, timelines, energy levels and financial needs. But with thoughtful planning and open communication, it’s possible to build a retirement that is secure and fulfilling for both partners.  By having honest and meaningful conversations, you can uncover each other’s hopes, concerns, and goals, creating a retirement plan that feels balanced and fulfilling for both partners. The following prompts are designed to spark deeper, more meaningful discussions, helping you align your visions for the future and tackle potential challenges head-on. 1. What Does a Happy Retirement Look Like for Each of Us? Do you see yourself travelling the world, pursuing hobbies, or simply enjoying quiet days at home? Take some time to write down your individual goals, dreams, and non-negotiables. Share your lists, identify where they align, and discuss how to balance differing aspirations. The goal is to create a shared vision that respects and supports both partners’ priorities. 2. When Should Each of Us Retire? If one partner is ready to retire but the other is still building their career, it’s essential to plan for a phased approach. Discuss your ideal retirement dates and explore potential working arrangements. Can the older partner delay retirement slightly? Does the younger partner have long service leave entitlements or options for flexible or remote work? By planning your timelines together, you can find creative solutions to balance individual goals while making the most of the time you’ll share in retirement. 3. How Will We Stay Connected While at Different Life Stages? When one partner retires while the other continues working, it can disrupt routines, create imbalances, and make maintaining a connection challenging.  Talk about how you’ll maintain your sense of partnership and shared purpose during this transition. Discuss activities you both enjoy and schedule regular time to share them. By prioritising connection and shared goals, you can maintain a sense of partnership and navigate this transition together. 4. How Do We Balance Our Different Energy and Mobility Levels? An age gap often means one partner has more energy or mobility than the other, which can impact your activities and lifestyle choices. Talk about how this difference will shape your travel plans, daily routines, and shared activities as you age. Should you prioritise physically demanding activities, like overseas travel, now? Would investing in a home designed for aging in place benefit you both in the long run? By addressing these concerns early, you can create a lifestyle that ensures you enjoy your time together, regardless of age or mobility changes. 5. What Are Our Greatest Fears About Retirement? Do you worry about financial insecurity, health challenges, or the possibility of loneliness in retirement? Take some time to reflect on and write down your individual fears or concerns. Share them with your partner and discuss how these worries can be addressed through planning or support. The goal is to foster empathy and understanding while building a retirement plan that alleviates these concerns for both of you. … Retirement planning isn’t just about numbers and timelines—it’s about understanding and aligning your dreams, priorities, and concerns as a couple.  These five conversation prompts are a starting point to help you navigate the unique challenges of retirement planning when there’s an age gap. By taking the time to discuss your needs openly, you can begin putting in place a plan that optimises your timelines, finances, and lifestyle choices. If you’re not sure where to start, a financial adviser can help you develop a strategy tailored to your unique circumstances, ensuring a secure and fulfilling retirement. The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Dealing with Post-Christmas Blues

Dealing with Post-Christmas Blues

The days leading to Christmas, holidays and celebrations are exciting, frenetic times. They’re a whirl of parties and social engagements, gifts and food to be purchased and travel arranged. The rush to get things organised builds into a great festive crescendo then…well, it’s over. If you’ve ever awoken on New Year’s Day feeling a tad flat, you’re not alone. Don’t beat yourself up; the Post-Christmas Blues is a well-documented condition. After the sparkle and colour of festivity, the hamster-wheel banality of real life seems pale and unappealing. Worse, the weather is hot, the kids are bored and fractious, and taking decorations down is never as much fun as putting them up. Then the bills arrive. The despondency you’re feeling is real, in fact, in a 2015 study by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (a US based mental health organisation), two-thirds (64%) of people surveyed admitted to feelings of depression and anxiety after Christmas. Symptoms include fatigue, tension, frustration, sadness and a sense of loss. If you’re nodding while reading this, the good news is there are steps you can take to reduce the physical, emotional and financial impact of the Post-Christmas Blues. Here are some ideas. Exercise – exercise every day, even a walk around the block, and if you have people staying over get up early and take time out for yourself. Get plenty of sleep – stick to a normal bedtime routine and ensure you don’t burn yourself out. Eat and drink in moderation – it’s not called the silly season for nothing. Moderation means enjoying yourself without overdoing it. Maybe try these two simple guidelines: 1. Never go to a party on an empty stomach. 2. Learn to love mineral water. If you feel pressured to drink alcohol, take mineral water and a slice of lime, over ice, in a spirits glass. They’ll never know the difference! Gift buying and holiday arranging is exciting, and it’s easy to lose track of how much you’ve spent. We have 12 months lead time so planning ahead is your best strategy. Consider these ideas: List who you’re buying for and set a spending limit. Don’t feel pressured to spend more or keep up with anyone else. If your credit card has taken a beating over the holiday season, speak to your adviser about a debt reduction plan. They’ll help you get back on track, and then structure a budget for the next year. The December/January period can be difficult for many reasons. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, don’t soldier-on. Organisations like Lifeline Australia (13 11 14) or Beyond Blue (1300 22 46 36) are only a phone call away. Alternatively, if it’s a relaxing chat you’re looking for, why not ask a friend over for coffee? It may be just what they need too. The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Is Debt Consolidation Right for You? A Checklist for Homeowners

Is Debt Consolidation Right for You? A Checklist for Homeowners

Struggling to keep track of multiple debt payments each month? For many Australian homeowners, juggling different debts—whether it’s credit card balances, personal loans, or mortgage repayments—can become overwhelming.   Debt consolidation could be a way to simplify finances and regain control. But before diving in, it’s important to understand the ins and outs of debt consolidation, along with the options and risks involved.  Here’s a practical checklist to help you assess if consolidating debt is the best solution for your financial situation.  Step 1: Understand What Debt Consolidation Involves  Before diving into debt consolidation, let’s clarify what it means.   Debt consolidation combines multiple debts into a single loan. Instead of paying off several balances at varying interest rates, you roll everything into one payment.   This often makes managing your debts easier and could even lower your monthly payments.  Step 2: Evaluate Your Current Debts and Expenses  Start by listing each debt, including the balance, interest rate, and monthly payment amount. Are your current debts high interest? If so, a lower-rate consolidation loan could help reduce what you pay over time.  Tip – Use an online debt consolidation calculator to help compare the cost of consolidating with your current debts.  Step 3: Consider Your Debt Consolidation Options  When it comes to debt consolidation, homeowners have several options and choosing the right one depends on your financial needs. Here’s how a few of the common options might look in practice:  Personal Loan   Suppose you have multiple high-interest credit card debts. By taking out a personal loan with a lower fixed interest rate, you could pay off all your cards at once and then make just one monthly payment on the loan, potentially saving on interest and simplifying your finances.  Balance Transfer Credit Card  Imagine you have a $5,000 credit card balance with a high interest rate. Transferring this balance to a credit card with a 0% introductory rate for 18 months would give you a period of interest-free payments.   If you pay off the balance before the promo period ends, you could avoid paying interest altogether. However, it’s essential to stick to a repayment plan to clear the debt before the higher rate resumes.  Home Equity Loan   If you have equity in your home, this can be an option to access funds at lower interest rates. A home equity loan provides a lump sum that can be used to consolidate debts, while a home equity line of credit (HELOC) works more like a credit line that you draw from as needed.  For instance, if you have $15,000 in credit card and personal loan debt, a home equity loan could help you pay off these balances with a lower interest rate, freeing up cashflow. Keep in mind, though, that your home acts as collateral, so this option requires a commitment to regular repayments.  Step 4: Check Potential Risks  Debt consolidation can simplify finances, but there are risks involved. Here are some to watch out for:  After reviewing your debts, consolidation options, and potential risks, take stock. Are you looking for simplicity, lower interest rates, or lower monthly payments? Can you commit to responsible spending to avoid new debt?  If you’re still unsure, a mortgage broker can help you assess your options, evaluate potential savings, and choose the best approach based on your financial goals.  Take control of your debt today—reach out to a mortgage broker and explore your debt consolidation options.  The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Horror $47,000 cost blows up the owning vs. renting debate: ‘More expensive’

Horror $47,000 cost blows up the owning vs. renting debate: ‘More expensive’

Financial advisor Robert Goudie has warned Aussies about the extra costs involved in owning a home and that renting isn’t always dead money. You might have heard the phrase that renting is “dead money” or that you’re just “paying off someone’s mortgage”. When you’re forking out hundreds of dollars a week to keep a roof over your head, that idea can seem fairly depressing. But Consortium Private Wealth financial advisor Robert Goudie wants Aussies to change their mindset when approaching rental payments. He told Yahoo Finance that while property ownership should still be a major goal for Aussies, it’s not always the most ideal situation and you shouldn’t rush into it without understanding what you’re paying. “From what I’ve seen, sometimes it’s more expensive to own the property because no one thinks about the cost of ownership, which is your rates, and your insurance, and your water and service charges. and any maintenance that might be applicable,” he said. He wanted to set the record straight and did the calculations for how much you can save when you rent. Goudie gave an example of Person A who was spending $500 per week on a house worth $750,000 and Person B who bought a $750,000 house and lived in it. Person A would have spent $26,000 in a year on rent. However, the other person, who stumped up an impressive $100,000 deposit and had a 6.5 per cent interest rate on their loan, would have paid $42,250 just on the interest for the mortgage. When you add on rates and insurance costs, the annual bill rises to $47,250, or just short of $910 per week. That means Person A will be able to save $410 more per week than Person B. “People say rent is always dead money. Is interest not dead money? Paying money to a big corporation making billions… I think it is,” Goudie explained to Yahoo Finance. “If rent is dead money, then interest should be considered dead money as well.” Buying might not be the best idea right now The financial advisor wants this general advice to be a warning for Aussies to do the calculations themselves to work out if buying a property is going to be the best financial move for them. “I don’t blame young people for wanting to get on the property ladder… there is that feeling of, ‘If I don’t get in now, [property prices] just keep going up’,” Goudie explained to Yahoo Finance. However, he gave an example of a client who has a home, but the mortgage repayments are so much higher than the rent he used to pay that he now feels “guilty” about having a coffee at a cafe. “That’s not living,” Goudie said. What about capital growth? Yes, there is the very real elephant in the room about the big difference between renting and owning a property. When you have bought a home, you will hopefully be able to live in it when it’s fully paid off. In that case, it’s far cheaper than renting. You can also use it as equity to buy another property or you could sell it for more than what you paid for. Goudie pointed out that not every home that is bought benefits from capital growth and can sometimes go down in value, which is what is being seen in parts of Melbourne this year. But even if it does go up in value, you can’t use that capital growth in the short term to pay for your food or keep the lights on. The financial advisor said his weekly cost comparison was designed purely to compare “apples to apples”. Many Aussies think property ownership is out of reach Goudie admitted that while you might save hundreds of dollars a week by renting, it’s not a long-term and secure way to look at accommodation. “I can’t imagine myself at age 85 renting with the threat of being kicked out at a moment’s notice, because in Australia, we do not have long-term lease or rental agreements,” he said. “There needs to be changes in that space.” But for many Aussies, the idea of owning a home is a distant or even completely out-of-reach concept. According to new research by Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), three in five renters expect they will never own their own home. “This shows a significant shift for Australian renters,” lead researcher Professor Emma Baker of the University of Adelaide. “Whereas previously anyone who desired home ownership believed they would be able to move into that tenure, now more Australians are conscious that this dream may not be a possibility for them.” Property prices have been soaring in cities across Australia at the same time that inflation and stagnant wage growth have impacted many peoples’ wallets. But this isn’t just a young Australian issue either. AHURI’s research found the proportion of people renting in the private market has increased across all age brackets from people in their late teens to their 80s and above. “The rise of renting in Australia is a multigenerational phenomenon,” Professor Baker said. Source: The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

When debt collectors call, know your rights

When debt collectors call, know your rights

Debt is a fact of life; some might say it’s a necessity. Rarely is a home or large-ticket item purchased without finance of some kind. Australians typically manage their financial obligations well, but rising interest rates, cost of living pressures and unexpected expenses combine to place stress on a household budget. In an increasingly cashless economy, it’s difficult to keep track of spending, and before you can say, tap-and-go, the morning latte and toastie has maxed out the credit card. Most people tighten the belt and get back on track. Unfortunately, others find themselves caught in a downward spiral that quickly gains momentum until realising they’re in over their heads. Failure to meet your financial obligations may result in you being contacted by a debt collection agency as creditors seek to recoup their losses. While this is traumatic, keep your cool and remember that you have rights. According to a debt collector can only contact you: Debt collectors may: Debt collectors cannot: If you believe a debt collector, or agency they represent, has acted outside of their boundaries, you are within your rights to take action. Violent or threatening behaviour is never acceptable; immediately contact the police. Alternatively, if the collectors are intimidating or harassing you, write to them or their agency to report the behaviour and request it be stopped. If this doesn’t work, reach out to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority on 1800 931 678 for advice. Debt collectors aside, you must take action to manage your debt. No debt ever went away because it was ignored, but there are ways to dial down the pressure. Here are some steps you can take today to get started: You can also seek professional assistance from a qualified financial adviser. They’ll work with you to create a realistic strategy for managing your expenses and guide you in developing a plan to move forward and eliminate debt. Debt can be debilitating and seem overwhelming, but by understanding your rights, knowing where you stand financially and seeking professional advice and support, you can take back control of your finances and look towards a comfortable financial future. The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Loud budgeting: Amplifying your financial awareness

Loud budgeting: Amplifying your financial awareness

Saving for a first home often requires a significant amount of discipline and sacrifice. The challenge of accumulating the necessary deposit can feel overwhelming, making it difficult to maintain motivation. Everyday distractions, such as weekend outings with friends or the latest gadgets, can easily derail savings efforts. A common issue is the perception that long-term savings goals are unattainable, which can lead to a lack of motivation to forego immediate pleasures. Traditional methods of managing finances may not always address this issue effectively. Enter loud budgeting—a strategy designed to tackle these challenges head-on. Loud budgeting is a goal-oriented approach that involves openly sharing savings goals with trusted friends and family, creating a system of accountability. The transparency of loud budgeting helps maintain focus and drive. Here’s how loud budgeting works: Incorporating loud budgeting into your routine can transform the savings process into a structured and motivating experience. Each progress update on the tracker brings a sense of accomplishment, and reaching milestones is celebrated with those who offer support. Consider a scenario where you aim to save $20,000 for a home deposit within 16 months. By adopting loud budgeting, you break down the goal into manageable monthly targets. For example, you set a target to save $1,250 each month. At the beginning of the process, you create a colourful chart and track your progress regularly. You use budgeting apps to monitor your savings and share updates with your support network. Every time you hit a monthly target, you celebrate with your family or friends, reinforcing your commitment. Over the course of these 16 months, this approach helps maintain your motivation despite encountering challenges such as missed trips or unexpected expenses. By consistently tracking your progress and celebrating milestones, you remain focused and driven. As each milestone is achieved, the sense of accomplishment grows, making the final goal of reaching the $20,000 deposit feel attainable. By the end of the 16 months, you successfully reach your target amount. The journey has been marked by steady progress, accountability, and shared celebrations, showing how loud budgeting can make saving for a home feel like a rewarding team effort. Loud budgeting might not be for everyone, but it’s a great way for many people to hit their financial goals. It can make saving for a home feel like less of a solo mission and more of a team effort that’s both rewarding and fun. The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

The impact of student loans when buying a home

The impact of student loans when buying a home

For many Australians, particularly young Australians, the dream of home ownership is often accompanied by the reality of carrying student loans, known as HECS-HELP debt. Understanding the impact of HECS debt on your ability to secure a home loan can help you plan for and navigate the home loan process. Case Study Sarah, is a 32-year-old marketing professional from Melbourne. She has a stable job with a steady income and has managed to save a decent deposit for her first home. However, like many Australians, Sarah carries a HECS debt from her university education. What is HECS-HELP debt? HECS-HELP is a loan offered by the Australian government to pay for studies at a university or approved higher education provider. Once a person earns above the compulsory repayment threshold, loan repayments are automatically deducted from their pay through the ATO. There is no interest on the loan, but the debt is annually indexed against inflation. Sarah’s Home Loan Goals Sarah’s goal is to purchase a two-bedroom apartment close to the city. She is aiming to take out a $450,000 home loan, considering her savings and the property prices in her desired area. Sarah is concerned about how her HECS debt will affect her home loan application and how she can maximise the amount she can borrow. The Application Process and the Impact of Student Loans When Sarah approached a mortgage broker to discuss her home loan options, she learned that her HECS debt, while interest-free, would still impact her borrowing capacity. Sarah’s potential lenders must consider her ability to meet all financial obligations, including her HECS repayments. This could potentially lower the loan amount Sarah qualifies for, as lenders assess her debt-to-income ratio. Strategies and Solutions Sarah’s mortgage broker advised that there are several strategies she can consider to enhance her borrowing capacity despite her student debt: Outcome By proactively managing her finances, seeking professional advice, and implementing strategies to manage her HECS debt, Sarah was able to strengthen her home loan application. She successfully secured a home loan with a competitive interest rate, allowing her to purchase an apartment within her parameters. The impact of student loans on home loan applications is a significant consideration for many young Australians. But the good news is that there are steps you can take to minimise the impact of HECS-HELP debt. Doing so enhances the chances of securing a home loan, and empowers you to make informed decisions on your financial journey. Reach out to us today and take the first step towards home ownership! The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Is your money mindset holding you back?

Is your money mindset holding you back?

Does your Money Mindset have your back? Or… Is it holding you back?   If you’ve never really thought about it, you’d be forgiven. When it comes to our financial success, we tend to focus on things like income, investments, and expenses. It makes sense to put our financial position down to how much we earn or spend, or the performance of our investments. But what about the role of our Money Mindset?  What is a Money Mindset? A money mindset is your set of beliefs and attitudes about money. It shapes how you make financial decisions, how you perceive wealth, and how you react to financial challenges. Understanding your money mindset is important because it can either support you in achieving financial success, or hold you back from it.  There are various types of money mindsets, but they often fall into two broad categories:  Abundance Mindset vs. Scarcity Mindset Abundance Mindset: An abundance mindset is the belief that ample opportunities exist to earn, grow, and enjoy wealth. People with this mindset see the world as full of potential and possibilities. They tend to be optimistic about their financial future and are willing to take calculated risks.  Scarcity Mindset: A scarcity mindset, on the other hand, is the belief that resources are limited and difficult to obtain. People with this mindset often focus on what they lack rather than what they have. This can lead to fear, anxiety, and a reluctance to take risks.  Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset Fixed Mindset: A fixed mindset in a financial context means believing that your financial abilities and knowledge are static and unchangeable. People with a fixed mindset might think they are either “good” or “bad” with money and that this cannot be altered. Growth Mindset: A growth mindset is the belief that financial skills and knowledge can be developed through effort and learning. Individuals with a growth mindset see financial challenges as opportunities to improve and grow.  Money Mindsets in Everyday Life Having explored the concepts of abundance vs. scarcity and fixed vs. growth mindsets, let’s look at how these money mindsets might manifest in everyday life: Kylie believes there are many ways to grow her wealth. She takes an online investing course, consults a financial adviser, and starts a diversified investment portfolio. She views market fluctuations as learning experiences and opportunities for growth. Jacob believes he will never be good with money and that financial success is reserved for others. He avoids investing due to fear of losing money and prefers to keep his savings in a low-interest account. He often feels stressed about his financial future and is reluctant to seek advice. Taylor is optimistic about her financial future and believes in plenty of opportunities. However, she thinks her financial skills are unchangeable. She sticks to familiar, low-risk investments and dismisses new strategies, missing out on potentially higher returns. Oscar grew up believing money is scarce and financial security is hard to achieve. Despite this, he commits to improving his financial situation through education. He starts with low-risk investments to build confidence and gradually diversifies his portfolio, overcoming his fears over time. Strategies to shift a negative Money Mindset If you’ve identified that your money mindset might be holding you back, don’t worry! The following strategies can be used to help you to shift your mindset to a more positive one:  Your money mindset plays a crucial role in your financial success… it should have your back, not hold you back! By identifying and overcoming negative financial beliefs, you can create a healthier relationship with money and achieve your financial goals. Take the first step today by reflecting on your financial mindset and seeking professional advice to guide you on your journey. The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

6 steps to a Happy New Financial Year

6 steps to a Happy New Financial Year

The new financial year provides an opportunity for a fresh start for your finances. Make this the financial year you get on top of yours… for good!  We’ve broken it down into six bite-sized, manageable steps for you to tackle over six months, because real change takes time! The below is a suggested path to a New Financial You, however, you can choose your preferred order and pace. July: Goal Setting What is it that you want? I mean REALLY want? As with any goal, your financial goals should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely. Whether you’re wanting to build an emergency fund, get out of debt, or save for a specific goal, write down your goals in detail and then revisit these regularly to remind yourself of what you’re working towards. August: Set your Budget A budget helps you see what’s coming in, what’s going out and most importantly how much you have to allocate towards your goals. There are plenty of free templates online so find one that works for you and add in your personal income and expenses.  Tip – Go through your last three months’ bank statements to get details of your spending. September: Set up a Savings Plan You can do this by working out how much money you need for a particular savings goal and by when, then breaking it down into regular amounts to be set aside. Example – If you want to save $2,000 for Christmas by December 1st, you’ll need to set aside $154/week from September 1st. Tip – Automate savings by setting up a regular transfer. October: Super Check It’s time to health check your superannuation:  Make sure your contact details are up to date to ensure you’re not missing out on important correspondence. Do you have a current beneficiary nomination in place? A valid beneficiary nomination will direct your super fund on how you would like your super benefits to be paid, if you were to pass away. How much is your super costing future you? There are a whole range of fees that might be funded from your super, including administration, investment, and adviser service fees, all of which will have an impact on your retirement savings.  Do you know how you’re super is invested? Is it Conservative or Growth? How well has it performed over the long term? Some important things to consider when choosing an investment option include your life stage, investment horizon and comfort for risk. November: Insurance Review There are a range of insurances that offer financial security for you and your family, including:  This month, get to know your current insurances and consider whether the types and amounts are suitable for your needs. December: Estate Planning Estate Planning involves documenting what you want to happen in the event you pass away or become incapacitated. It might include Wills, Powers of Attorney, Health Directives and Guardianship nominations.  If you don’t have these in place already, it’s time to build out your Estate Plan.  If you do, it’s time to dig these out for a review. Congratulations, you made it!  If you’d like some extra support on your journey, reach out to your Financial Adviser today for help with achieving your financial goals!   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Navigating the reality of divorce after 50

Navigating the reality of divorce after 50

Adjusting to life after divorce, particularly later in life, is akin to navigating through some of life’s most challenging events, psychologists say. It’s a journey comparable to coping with loss, relocation, major illness or injury, or job loss. While these upheavals are often beyond our control, how we choose to manage them greatly impacts our recovery. Is grey divorce on the rise? Unfortunately, yes. Despite overall divorce rates declining since the 1990s, both the age at divorce and the rate of divorces among couples in long-term marriages are on the rise. According to data from Australian Seniors and the ABS, 32% of divorces now occur after the age of 50. What are some of the key financial impacts of divorce? Superannuation is typically regarded as part of the assets in any pre-divorce financial settlement. Understanding that superannuation can be divided without the need for fund withdrawals or meeting specific conditions is crucial if no prior agreement has been reached with your partner. While splitting it isn’t obligatory, ensuring its inclusion in the settlement is vital due to its significant role in overall wealth. However, dividing it can substantially diminish what was once a solid nest egg, potentially impacting retirement plans. Aside from the emotional toll of asset division, the process can be difficult. Factors like investment properties, primary residences, or self-managed super funds (SMSFs) with less liquid assets—such as business holdings, real estate, closed funds, or art—can further complicate matters. Selling assets without proper advice can trigger capital gains, while shifting assets from tax shelters like superannuation or trusts can result in hefty tax liabilities. Centrelink entitlements and thresholds will also alter with your changed circumstances. Seeking the professional advice of more than just a lawyer is the smartest thing to do. Divorce is also expensive Many shared expenses, such as utilities, become the sole responsibility of each party post-divorce. For instance, while the average monthly living expenses for an Australian couple total around $4,118 ($2,059 per person), for a single person living alone, it’s estimated at $2,835. In essence, each individual spends roughly 70% of what a couple would spend. After divorce, with each person potentially having only half of their assets but needing around 70% of their income to cover living expenses, budgets become tight. So, how can you rebuild financial stability post-divorce? In other words, review your financial plan and seek professional advice. A qualified financial adviser can help you learn to take control of your finances and plan your future. Remember, the benefits of compounding mean that the sooner you start, the better off you’ll be! The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Regaining financial control after a scam 

Regaining financial control after a scam 

A year before retirement, Tess’s superannuation plan was on track, and she was imagining her post-work life. With savings of $34,000 at the bank, she was looking to park it somewhere it could earn better interest while rates were rising.   Considering herself reasonably savvy with money, she began investigating her options.  After hearing about someone who’d made a fortune with cryptocurrency, Tess was intrigued and decided to look into it.   Tess researched crypto-companies and compared what was on offer. When eventually she made her decision, she believed she’d chosen the right investment – how wrong could she be!   Within hours Tess realised she’d been scammed.  Shocked and feeling ill, she reported it to ScamWatch, but over the following days the self-blame settled in.   How could she be so gullible? So naïve?  What was she thinking?! How could she have fallen for such an obvious fraud?   Who knew that financial shame was a thing? But there it was in the form of an empty bank account.  Deeply embarrassed, her financial security shattered, Tess lay awake every night berating herself; through her foolishness she’d lost all her cash savings! She became withdrawn, declined social events and refused to unburden herself, even to close friends.   Finally, in desperation, she decided to speak with a counsellor. Tess discovered organisations like Beyond Blue, ScamWatch and Lifeline offered advice and emotional support. She chose one that felt right for her.  Initially, it was difficult to open up and acknowledge her mistake, but the counsellor explained that part of her recovery was confronting her feelings head-on and realising that victims came from all cultures, backgrounds and levels of education. Feelings of humiliation and shame were normal, although unjustified, as the crooks were highly skilled criminals with access to the latest technology.  Heartened by the counsellor’s words, Tess learned to stop blaming herself and confided in her daughter Louise.  What a relief that was! Louise was gentle and supportive, and introduced Tess to her friend Jarrod, a financial adviser.  Throughout Jarrod’s career, he’d assisted innumerable people who’d fallen victim to scams. Most felt insecure and vulnerable, so his approach was to assist them with practical advice around getting their finances back on track.  He believed that Tess would benefit from a temporary, part-time job. She could rebuild her cash savings, and staying busy would distract her from her worries and help her move on.   When discussing her interests and skills, Tess mentioned she loved animals so Jarrod suggested she consider pet-minding or dog-walking, adding that he could setup the necessary insurance.  Then, Jarrod explained, that while her superannuation was on target, there was a difference between investing for retirement and investing for wealth.  Retirement investing was about saving to fund an income stream that met post-work lifestyle goals. Complying retirement funds offered tax advantages and focused on generating returns.   Conversely, investing for wealth involved accumulating assets beyond what is needed to provide retirement income.   For Tess, financial security was critical, so Jarrod considered her risk tolerance and structured a tax-efficient portfolio of growth assets to support capital appreciation and wealth accumulation.   It also meant that Tess could leave something behind for Louise – a legacy she hadn’t felt was important, until she realised how financially exposed the scam had left her.  Tess’s recovery wasn’t without its challenges. It took time and sacrifice, but along the way she developed a greater sense of independence and resilience.   She delayed retirement by a year, so she could recoup her lost savings and contribute the money from her new side hustle to her wealth portfolio.   In the end, Tess’s Dog Minding and Walking Service continued well after Tess’s retirement, for the sheer enjoyment she derived from hanging out with dogs.  The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Avoid passing bad money habits on to your children

Avoid passing bad money habits on to your children

Generally speaking, we Australians are pretty financially savvy, that is, we understand the how and why of effectively managing our money. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean we’re actually putting that know-how into practise and making astute financial decisions.   According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the average Australian household debt has risen by 7.3% (over $260,000) in the 2021-2022 financial year. As of July 2023, Australians were paying $18.4 billion – that’s billion with a B – in credit card interest every year.  As parents, we’re role models, integral to shaping our children’s values and beliefs. Like little sponges, they absorb our behavioural patterns, pick up on signals and mimic our actions.  For us to replace bad money habits with good ones may be a big ask, particularly as they’ve evolved over the course of our lives. But the trouble is that kids are a cluey bunch, eager to learn from us, and not surprisingly, our money habits are among many characteristics we unintentionally pass onto them.  Of course, we all want the best for our children. But in this busy world, we’re pulled in so many directions at once that sometimes it’s all we can do to juggle our daily work, family, school and social lives. Who has time to consider the inadvertent messages we could be giving out?   Yet, when it comes to ensuring our children are equipped to build themselves a secure financial future, it’s worth the effort, right?   The table below shows a list of good and bad money habits that are commonly passed onto children.  Poor money habits  Good money habits Impulse buying We regularly make spur-of-the-moment purchases. Additionally, we tend to indulge our kids – we want them to be happy.  Impulsive or indulgent behaviour can inadvertently foster in children an attitude of instant gratification, normalising impulse buying.  Lead by example As a family, we discuss the difference between needs and wants. When we see something we want, we walk away and give ourselves a cooling off period to determine whether we genuinely need the item. We encourage our kids to wait for things they want, and suggest that delaying the purchase can lead to smarter choices and savings. When shopping we compare prices and identify items that offer better value.   Not budgeting  We don’t have a household budget, preferring to manage our money as it comes in. But even though we know what bills are due we often seem to have trouble getting the money together. Sometimes we run out of money before pay day.   Not budgeting can engender a culture of living pay-to-pay and children can grow up not understanding the importance of tracking spending and living within their means.  Family budgeting  We involve our children in creating and monitoring our household budget. We discuss decisions around allocating money for different purposes so that when our kids receive pocket money or gift money, they can practise budgeting by setting amounts aside for saving, spending, etc.  Credit card misuse  We rarely use cash; using a card is fast and convenient. Although occasionally we max the card out we make sure we pay off as much as we can every month. Some months, depending on expenses, we can’t manage the full balance. Cards, while useful, can cause children to perceive them as a source of unlimited money.  No free money  We have taught our children how to read our card statements. They know how to check purchases against receipts and understand how interest adds to the card balance. We involve our kids in making card payments and explain the consequences of not paying the full balance each month.  Not saving  We’ve never set up a structured savings plan so have little-to-no savings. We’d like to take a holiday or have a nestegg for emergencies but there never seems to be any money left over at the end of the pay cycle. Children seeing parents struggling to save may not learn the value of saving or setting goals.  Set goals, save We stick to our budget and always try to allocate a portion of income towards savings, and encourage our kids to do the same. We get them to set short-term goals like saving for a new toy or book, and long-term goals like an outing or a larger purchase, and then help them create a savings plan to achieve their goals. We make it fun by using a visual chart to track progress and when they reach their goal, we celebrate the achievement, making a special occasion out of buying the item or attending the event.  Failing to discuss  We never talk about money with our kids. They have a limited understanding of how money is earned and how we use it. Failing to discuss how money is earned can lead to children not grasping the concept of money as a finite resource, and appreciating its value. Widespread use of credit cards or taking cash from ATMs suggests that money is readily accessible.   Have the conversation  We have always been open with our kids about the household finances. We want them to understand that money needs to be earned, and if not used wisely and allocated appropriately, it can run out. We have also provided the opportunity for them to earn pocket money for doing age-appropriate household chores.  If we can make time to examine the way we view and use money, and replace poor habits with good ones, we can positively influence our kids by:  As parents we have a limited opportunity to equip our children with tools like, knowledge, confidence and forward planning skills – before they decide they know more than us!   So, by modelling good financial behaviour ourselves, we can instil the habits that will set our children up for a life of financial freedom.   I don’t know about you, but if I can achieve that, I’ll know that I’ve done what I can to enable the next generation to succeed and thrive.   What a legacy!  The information provided in this article is general in nature only…

Charting a course to financial recovery 

Charting a course to financial recovery 

Australian Bureau of Statistics, (ABS) figures indicate that between 2017-2018 and 2019-2020 total average household debt rose from $190,000 to $204,000.  That’s an increase of over 7% in two years!  The reasons why would make for an interesting study, however a more pressing question might be what can we do about it?   Combine high levels of debt with rising interest rates and a cost-of-living crisis, and it’s no surprise that Australian households are reaching out to Debt Management (DM) companies to help regain control of their finances.  DM companies are private organisations that can assist by:  Sometimes, DM companies repay your debts – to a specified limit – and you repay them under a single loan arrangement. Terms and payment amounts can be negotiated, offering a beacon of hope and a sense that you’re taking back control.  If this sounds like the perfect solution, remember that for every pro, there’s usually a con. For example:  While weighing the pros and cons of a DM service, here are a few do-it-yourself strategies for consideration.  Budgeting  Creating a budget is a 3-step process.  The government’s Moneysmart website lists easy ways of cutting back everyday spending.  Negotiating  Rather than customers defaulting, most banks and utilities companies prefer to negotiate repayment terms, sometimes even offering assistance programs.    The key is to reach out before it’s too late. Be upfront about your situation and willing to arrive at a mutually beneficial arrangement.   Remember, nobody wins when debts are not paid.  Government assistance  The Australian government provides a range of financial assistance packages and interest-free loans depending on circumstances. These include crisis payments for unexpected situations, and income support payments for cost of living expenses.  Of course there are conditions, but further information, including application criteria, is available from the MyGov website.   Financial counselling   Financial counsellors help you understand your financial position and assist you to navigate your way out of difficulty.  Some local communities offer free, or low-cost, financial literacy programs, aimed at providing education about money and debt reduction.  Everyone’s financial position is unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all, so it’s important that your action plan is specific to your needs and that you’re 100% comfortable with any decisions you make.  If you’re uncertain, seek the assistance of a qualified financial planner.   What’s crucial is that you do something; being proactive is empowering and sets you on the path to financial recovery.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Building financial resilience 

Building financial resilience 

Resilience is the ability to quickly recover from setbacks, and while setbacks can come in many forms most of them will have a financial component. So what can you do to build financial resilience?  Expect the unexpected  Rarely do we get advance warning that something bad is about to happen to us, so the time to develop your resilience strategy is now. And while we don’t know the specifics, we can anticipate events that would throw our finances into disarray. A house burning down or a car being stolen. Not being able to work due to illness or injury. The death of a breadwinner or caregiver.   With some idea of the type of threat we face we may be able to insure against some of them. If you have taken out any type of insurance policy you’ve already made a start on your resilience plan.  Create buffers  You can’t insure against every possibility, but you can build financial buffers. This might simply be a savings account that you earmark as your emergency fund that you contribute to each payday. If your home loan offers a redraw facility you can also create a buffer by getting ahead on your mortgage repayments.   Buffers can be particularly important for retirees drawing a pension from their super fund. Redeeming growth assets for cash in order to make pension payments during a market downturn can lead to a depletion of capital and reduction in how long the money will last. By maintaining a cash buffer of, say, two year’s worth of pension payments, redemptions of growth assets can be deferred, giving time for the market to recover.  Cut costs  The Internet abounds with tips on how to cut costs and save money. In difficult economic times cost cutting can help you maintain your financial buffers and important insurances.   Key to cost cutting is tracking your income and expenditure and yes, that means doing a budget. Find the right budgeting app for you and this chore could actually be fun.  Invest in quality  There are many companies out there that have long track records of consistently pumping out profits and dividends. They may not be as exciting (i.e. volatile) as the latest techno fad stocks but when markets get the jitters these blue chip companies are more likely to maintain their value than the newcomers.  This is important. The more volatile a portfolio the more likely an investor is to sell down into a declining market. This turns paper losses into real ones, depriving the investor the opportunity to ride the market back up again.  The other key tool in creating resilient portfolios is diversification. Buying a range of investments both within and across the major asset classes is a fundamental strategy for managing portfolio volatility.  With a well-diversified portfolio of quality assets there is less need to regularly buy and sell individual investments. Unnecessary trading can create ‘tax drag’ where the realisation of even a marginal   capital gain triggers a capital gains tax event and consequent reduction in portfolio value.  Take advice  Building financial resilience can be a complicated process requiring an understanding of a range of issues that need to be balanced against one another and prioritised. Your financial planner is ideally placed to assist you in developing your own, personalised plan for financial resilience.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Post Christmas Sales – A Survival Guide 

Post Christmas Sales – A Survival Guide 

We’ve all experienced it… the undeniable allure of post-Christmas sales.   No sooner has Christmas wrapped up for the year than the frenzy of Boxing Day Sales descends upon us.  Every store window beckons, and our inboxes overflow with promises of unbeatable discounts.  But before you indulge in some festive leftovers and make a beeline for the air-conditioned wonderland of sales, let’s take a moment to pause and ponder…   Is that shiny, discounted gadget truly a necessity?   Do those new outfits genuinely add value to your wardrobe?   Or might there be a wiser way to allocate your hard-earned money?  The Allure and Reality of Post-Christmas Sales  The holiday season often leaves our wallets feeling lighter than usual.   Australia’s festive spending reached an eye-watering $74.5 billion in 2022, marking an 8.6% increase from the previous year, according to the Australian Retailers Association.   And Boxing Day? A whopping $1.23 billion was spent in just 24 hours!   These figures aren’t just numbers; they paint a picture of our collective weakness for a good holiday sale.  But here’s the other side of the coin: while sales can offer genuine bargains, they also come with pitfalls. The risk of accumulating more debt is a very real reality for many shoppers, especially with credit cards already stretched thin from holiday shopping.   And let’s face it, impulse purchases can often lead to buyer’s remorse and an overstuffed home.  The Merits of Post-Christmas Sales  While the post-Christmas sales period often comes with warnings of overspending, it’s not all doom and gloom.  When approached with a well-thought-out strategy, these sales can be a great opportunity to secure essential items—be it electronics, clothing, or household goods—at a fraction of their original prices.   But how can one truly benefit without falling into the common traps? The key lies in being discerning.   With a bit of planning and restraint, the post-Christmas sales can be both enjoyable and economically rewarding.  Smart Money Moves Beyond Sales  It’s easy to forget about your bigger picture goals when there are neon signs screaming discounts of 50% OFF or more!  But remember, every dollar spent is a dollar less saved… or put towards those bigger picture goals.    Before you fall prey to the post-Christmas sales, consider these alternatives:  Save for a Rainy Day: Life is unpredictable. Having a safety net can make all the difference.  Debt Reduction: Free yourself from the burden of debt, by paying down your credit cards and/or any loans you have.   Invest: Think stocks, bonds, or other avenues to grow your wealth. (Hello Financial Freedom!)  Financial Goals: Would you rather a new outfit?  Or to be one step closer to that dream holiday, new car, or first home?    Post-Christmas sales can be both a treasure trove and a minefield. The choice is yours.   This festive season don’t succumb blindly to the allure of holiday sale discounts. Instead, either purchase your “need to have” items (remember, be discerning here!), or skip the sales completely and opt to put the money towards your financial goals!   Here’s to spending wisely, and a financially savvy new year!  The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

The challenges of being a Carer

The challenges of being a Carer

Caring for a loved one can be deeply fulfilling but brings its fair share of challenges too – as Laura discovered.   When her mother Shelly had a stroke, she didn’t require a nursing facility, but could no longer live alone.   Laura was working part-time while studying a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and dreaming of one day opening her own boutique dental practice. She assumed that moving home to care for Shelly wouldn’t greatly affect her career plans, and, in fact, giving up her rental accommodation would save money.  Unfortunately however, Shelly had had to quit work so the pair only had Laura’s wages to live on. Yet the bills kept coming in, and on top of everyday living costs, expenses such as medicines, transportation and modifications to the home soon added up.  Additionally, helping Shelly attend medical appointments and assisting with errands put Laura behind in her studies. Since Shelly’s condition was not going to improve, Laura deferred her course; telling friends she’d return later.  A great emotional weight settled on Laura’s shoulders as she automatically prioritised her mother’s day-to-day needs above her own.  As expected, Shelly’s condition worsened. Medical sessions often clashed with Laura’s work commitments leaving her no option but to give up her job as well.  While expecting to support her mum physically and emotionally, Laura wasn’t prepared for the financial hit.  Fortunately, the Australian government offers a range of financial assistance packages, such as:  Applicants must meet prescribed criteria and the amount of payment varies depending on the situation.  The Government website contains a wealth of information for carers, including eligibility criteria, entitlement estimation calculators and information on how to claim.  Shelly’s doctor provided program leaflets and additional details, and helped Laura gather the medical paperwork and other relevant documents.  For Laura, giving up her job impacted more than just her finances. Having already lost friends after too many declined invitations, she now lost her last source of social interaction.   Resigning herself to a life of care, Laura abandoned all thought of returning to university, along with her dreams for the future.  It was around this time that Laura discovered Carer Gateway and Carers Australia   These websites provided valuable carer resources, information and assistance services. While recognising that financial relief was crucial, their emphasis was on the relevance of self-care, urging carers not to underestimate the importance of their own well-being, particularly their physical and mental health.  Laura found a community of people who understood her situation, and a network of support groups, counselling services and respite programs encouraging carers to balance their care-giving responsibilities with their own needs.   One of Laura’s new friends suggested she seek legal advice around Powers of Attorney, and a financial adviser specialising in estate planning for both her own and Shelly’s peace of mind.  These days Laura says she feels the world opening up as the silence around caregiving is broken. With her mother’s illness, her life took an unexpected turn, yet it has expanded in other ways. Laura’s future is looking brighter; she has even enrolled in an online dental assistant course.  Not exactly what she’d originally planned, it’s nevertheless a pathway to her own future, and more than that, she’s daring to dream again.  The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Roadmap to retiring young

Roadmap to retiring young

The dream of retiring young is one that captivates many peoples’ imaginations. The freedom to live life on your own terms, doing what you want, when you want is undeniably appealing, but is it attainable? We say yes! It doesn’t just happen, though. As with any goal, it takes planning and dedication along with a clear understanding of when and how you expect to achieve that goal. Early retirement, as a concept, means different things to different people. Therefore, the first step on the road to your early retirement is to be clear about what it will look like, starting with: With an understanding of what retirement means to you, you can begin the process of charting a course to achieving it. Develop a roadmap to early retirement by considering: Attaining any financial goal requires discipline. Coach yourself to say ‘no’ to indulgences in the present, remembering that with the right roadmap and financial know-how, you really can make your dream of early retirement come true. The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.  

Harvesting Financial Success

Harvesting Financial Success

Spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your financial habits as well as your garden!  Here are 5 ways to set you, and your garden, up for success:  1. Plan your garden: Start with deciding what type of garden you want. In other words, get clear about what goals you want to achieve and by when. Once you have your list of goals prioritise them, so you know where to focus your efforts.  Tip: If a goal is large and will take some time to achieve, set yourself some smaller goals with shorter timeframes along the way.   2. Pull out the weeds: You don’t see garden designers on TV rushing in to plant a new garden without getting rid of the weeds first. In financial terms this is the same as eliminating bad debt. Bad debt is debt used to purchase things that don’t go up in value, like cars and household goods. Financing purchases with credit card debt (where the entire balance isn’t paid off each month), personal loans and perhaps ‘buy now, pay later’ facilities mean paying very high interest rates or late fees. Your total cost ends up much more than the original purchase price. These are your weeds – pull them out and don’t let them take hold again!  3. Prepare the soil: A key element to a flourishing garden is good soil. For us this is managing our cashflow. For many people our income is fairly consistent, so the focus is on managing outflows. Think of this as a spending plan not a budget. The ‘B’ word has a strong association with denial and, much like a diet, too much restriction can be counter-productive. Be honest when completing it as you need to know exactly where your cash is going. Your adviser can be a huge help with this. It’s an opportunity to look at your spending and think again about your goals. Is the enjoyment you get from three streaming services more than what you’ll get from achieving your goal? What do you want more?  Tip: Ways to reduce spending often require some planning. Taking lunch to work can save a heap of money. Too rushed to do it in the morning? Make something the night before – and remember to take it with you the next day!  4. Plant your garden: This is where things start to take shape! Gardens often start small so think of this as your initial investment which over time becomes larger and larger. In your financial life this is the power of compounding. To help those initial plants fill out your garden quicker you can add other small plants over time. This is known as dollar cost averaging or adding regularly to your initial investment to boost the effect of compounding.   5. Protect from pests: Your garden will appreciate some help to guard against pests and disease. In the same way it’s a good idea for you to protect your biggest asset – your ability to earn income. Income protection and other types of life insurance can protect you against unexpected events and prevent all the hard work you’ve put into your financial garden from unravelling.  Success requires commitment because, just like droughts which affect your garden, there will be times when reaching your goal seems hard going. Don’t abandon your dreams! With clear goals, elimination of bad debt, a realistic cashflow plan, disciplined regular saving and protection of your biggest asset, you’ll be harvesting rewards season after season!  The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.    

Building a Strong Foundation: Avoiding Mortgage Default

Building a Strong Foundation: Avoiding Mortgage Default

When building a home, it’s often said that the foundations are the most important part. Their primary purpose is to hold your house up – supporting the structure and preventing it from being affected by uneven ground. Similarly, when purchasing a home and financing it with a mortgage, your financial foundation is just as crucial. A solid financial foundation can help you avoid mortgage stress, loan default, or even eviction. Unfortunately, economic factors such as higher living expenses, interest rate hikes, or job loss can jeopardise your financial foundation. What is mortgage stress? Mortgage stress occurs when homeowners face difficulty meeting their mortgage repayments and their living expenses. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has developed a “Mortgage Affordability Indicator”, which applies a 30% mortgage repayment threshold based on a household’s income. Mortgage stress can cause immense strain on individuals and families and increase the risk of mortgage default. Defaulting on a home loan happens when borrowers cannot make repayments as per the agreed terms and conditions of the loan agreement. This situation may result in serious consequences, including eviction and mortgagee possession of the property by the lender. How to avoid mortgage stress and loan default 1. Know Your Financial Situation One of the most crucial steps to avoid mortgage default is having a clear understanding of your financial situation. By evaluating your income, expenses, and overall financial position, you can identify potential risks and understand what options are available to you. Tracking your income and expenses will help you to analyse your spending habits and identify areas where you can cut back or make adjustments to free up cash flow. This is also a great time to review your expenses and renegotiate with service providers. Reviewing your financial position may help you identify available options to assist in financial hardship. 2. Seek Professional Guidance A mortgage broker can help you assess your current loan terms and explore options for refinancing or loan modifications that better align with your financial circumstances. They can provide valuable advice and assist in negotiating more favourable terms with your lender. 3. Communicate with Your Lender If you anticipate difficulties in making your mortgage repayments, it is best to communicate proactively with your lender in advance. Most lenders have teams dedicated to supporting customers experiencing financial hardship. They may be able to offer temporary payment arrangements or alternative solutions to help you through a difficult period. Case Study: Consider the case of John and Sarah, a couple facing the risk of defaulting on their mortgage due to a sudden but temporary loss of income. To avoid this outcome, they took several steps: Reviewed their financial situation – John and Sarah underwent a complete review of their financial situation. They reviewed their expenses, paused or cut back on discretionary spending, and renegotiated with all of their utility and service providers. This freed up cash flow to allocate towards their home loan. They also identified that they were slightly ahead with their home loan repayments. Communicated with their lender – John and Sarah reached out to their lender to explore their loan repayment choices. Since they had made some progress in their payments, they were eligible for a repayment holiday. This option would allow them to pay less towards their home loan for the next six months. They had examined their financial situation and were confident that they could manage these reduced repayments, and this would give them six months to replace the lost income and get back on their feet. To prevent mortgage stress and default, it’s important to actively manage your finances and have a clear understanding of your financial situation. Though it can be tough, taking early action and being transparent with your lender can help you work together to overcome financial challenges and ensure the safety of your home. If you are facing any difficulties in making your mortgage payments, you can find helpful resources on the MoneySmart website: The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Fixed rate mortgage expiring… Now what?

Fixed rate mortgage expiring… Now what?

If your fixed interest rate expiry is coming up, you might have started to think about what happens next and what action you need to take. Or you might be sticking your head in the sand and avoiding the topic entirely. Be warned! The worst thing you can do is take no action at all. If your fixed interest period is due to expire, then it’s time for a review of your finances – Revisit your budget A fixed rate expiry will mean a change to what is often one of our biggest expenses – the home loan repayment. In a rising interest rate environment, this likely means a bigger expense you will need to allow for. By revisiting your budget, you can make sure you can afford the new home loan repayment amount, or adjust your spending where needed. Know your financial situation Your financial situation is going to impact what options are available to you and what options might be best for you. If there’s been recent changes to your income position such as job loss, income reduction or maternity leave, for example, this may impact your ability to refinance your loan. As a result, you may have to stick with your current lender on terms you may not be happy with. If you have surplus cash flow that you want to use to reduce debt, a variable rate loan might be more appropriate so that you’re not as limited with the ability to make repayments. Alternatively, if cash flow is tight, you might appreciate the stability of a fixed rate loan, and knowing your repayment amounts won’t increase during the fixed rate period. By having a good understanding of your current financial position and future goals, you can determine what your needs are and what the best strategy is for you moving forward. Look at what the market is doing One of the main factors to consider when deciding between a fixed and variable interest rate is the current market. While no one has a crystal ball, it’s important to consider what is happening with the economy, housing markets and interest rates. Are interest rates trending up or down? And what might this mean for both fixed and variable interest rate loans? Get clear on your options When your fixed interest term expires, you will need to choose between either re-fixing your loan for a period or switching to a variable interest rate loan. This is also a good opportunity to review your existing loan provider against other loan providers, to ensure you are being offered a competitive rate. With your market research in hand, it’s time to call your existing lender to request a rate review. You can let them know you are considering refinancing your loan and want to know what the best they could offer is. It might be time to switch lenders if they’re not prepared to offer you a competitive rate.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

How to create a Debt Repayment Plan

How to create a Debt Repayment Plan

Debt can be overwhelming and stressful, but creating a plan to pay it off can help ease that burden. In Australia, household debt is on the rise, with the average household owing over $260,000 in 2021, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. If you’re struggling with debt, here are some tips and strategies for creating a debt repayment plan. Create a Budget The first step in creating a debt repayment plan is to create a budget. This will help you understand where your money is going and where you can cut back on expenses. List all of your income and expenses, including bills, rent or mortgage payments, groceries, and any other expenses. Once you have a clear picture of your finances, you can start to identify areas where you can save money. Prioritise High-Interest Debt If you have multiple debts, it’s important to prioritise the ones with the highest interest rates. These debts are costing you the most money in interest charges, so paying them off first will save you money in the long run. Make minimum payments on all of your debts, and put any extra money towards the one with the highest interest rate. Automate Payments Automating your debt payments can help ensure that you don’t miss any payments and incur late fees. Set up automatic payments for the minimum payments on all of your debts, and then add extra payments as you can afford them. This will also help you stay on track with your debt repayment plan. Choose a Repayment Strategy There are different methods of debt repayment, such as the snowball and avalanche methods. The snowball method involves paying off the smallest debt first, while the avalanche method involves paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first. Choose the method that works best for your situation, and stick to it. Case Study Let’s compare two scenarios to see how creating a debt repayment plan can make a difference. Scenario 1: Sarah has $10,000 in credit card debt, with an interest rate of 20%. She is making minimum payments of $200 per month, but is struggling to make progress on paying off the debt. Scenario 2: John has the same amount of credit card debt, but has created a debt repayment plan. He is making minimum payments of $200 per month, but has also cut back on expenses and is putting an extra $200 per month towards the debt. He is using the avalanche method, and has prioritised the credit card with the highest interest rate of 25%. After one year, Sarah will still have $8,360 in credit card debt, and will have paid $1,440 in interest charges. In contrast, John will have paid off $4,800 of his debt, and will have saved $1,200 in interest charges. Creating a debt repayment plan can make a big difference in your financial situation. By creating a budget, prioritising high-interest debt, automating payments, and choosing a repayment strategy, you can take control of your debt and work towards becoming debt-free. If you need help creating a debt repayment plan, speak with our advisers who can provide guidance and support.   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

How to help your adult child buy their first home

How to help your adult child buy their first home

By Robert Goudie This savings strategy is about building a healthy deposit and allowing kids to learn about consistent, regular saving. The strategy will require patience to build a substantial deposit over several years. I also acknowledge that not all parents are able to help their children buy their first home. In my professional life as a personal financial adviser, I have seen many parents assist their children in purchasing their first home.  This has often been done with a lump sum. But, unfortunately, this doesn’t have the bonus of any tax efficiency or teaching children a regular savings habit to give them a sense of achievement. Purchasing a home can be difficult, especially as property prices have increased significantly in recent years. For many people, the high cost of housing (and living) has made it difficult to save a deposit for their first home, and even if they can do so, they may not be able to afford the monthly mortgage payments on a home that is within their budget.  Building a larger deposit can reduce the debt levels needed to buy their first home or even help them to buy in their preferred area. For parents with the financial capacity and want to help their children save for their first home without handing over a large lump sum, this strategy, combined with some patience, provides an effective way to build the deposit faster. (Please note: I would only recommend parents to do so that have met their own retirement financial goals and have the extra capacity to help out)  By subsiding your children’s income regularly, it can allow your child to start salary-sacrificing pre-tax dollars into superannuation – something that they normally couldn’t do without your help. Superannuation salary sacrifice Salary sacrificing is a way for employees in Australia to contribute part of their pre-tax salary into their superannuation account. This can be a tax-effective way to save for retirement because the contributions are taxed at a lower rate than your marginal tax rate. In Australia, the tax rate on contributions made through salary sacrifice is 15%. Contributions are made from your pre-tax salary, which means they are not taxed at the same rate as your income tax. This can be a significant saving if you are on a high marginal tax rate. For example, suppose you are on a marginal tax rate of 45% and were to salary sacrifice $10,000 into your superannuation account. In that case, you will pay $1,500 tax on those contributions (15% of $10,000). However, if you received that $10,000 as salary instead and then contributed it to your superannuation account after tax, you would pay $4,500 in tax (45% of $10,000). In this example, salary sacrificing would save you $3,000 in tax ($4,500 – $1,500). This can be a significant saving, especially over the long term.  However, it is important to note that there are limits on the amount you can salary sacrifice into your superannuation account each year. FHSSS In recent years, the Australian Government has implemented the First Home Superannuation Saver Scheme (FHSSS), allowing individuals to save for their first home inside their superannuation account. The policy was designed to help first-time home buyers save for a deposit more quickly by allowing them to make voluntary contributions to their superannuation account, which can then be withdrawn for a home deposit once certain conditions have been met. Under the FHSSS, individuals can apply to withdraw voluntary contributions of up to $15,000 from any one financial year from 2017 onwards, up to a total of $50,000 across all years. If you are in a couple, this is a combined $100,000.  Again, these contributions are taxed at a rate of 15%, which is generally lower than an individual’s marginal tax rate.  The money saved through the FHSSS can be withdrawn (less the 15% tax) for a home deposit once the individual has held their superannuation account for at least 12 months and met other specific eligibility requirements.  Note that superannuation contributions, including contributions made under the FHSSS, must still be within the standard annual caps for concessional super contributions. The FHSSS is one of several government initiatives aimed at helping Australians save for their first home and addresses housing affordability issues in the country. It is available to Australian citizens and permanent residents aged 18 and older who have not previously owned property in Australia and meet additional eligibility requirements. Let’s crunch the numbers Let’s assume a couple make a $14,705 contribution each into superannuation, earning $80,000 each per year, and continue this strategy for a full four years. We will first look at the amount saved in superannuation that can be used for a first home deposit and compare this saving with after-tax dollars outside the superannuation system.  After four years of salary sacrificing into superannuation and assuming no investment returns, you would have accumulated a combined $99,994. Compare this to saving after-tax dollars; you would have accumulated $77,054 in comparison. If a couple is lucky enough to have the ability to achieve the above, they would have saved $102,000, which is an extra $23,400 when compared to saving in after-tax dollars. Now let’s look at the amount of income that would need to be provided by those generous parents or grandparents to ensure that the household cash flow remains the same:  $15,000 less the marginal tax rate of 34.5% is $9,825 per person or $19,650 for a couple. Other thoughts Of course, many individuals and couples may already be actively saving for their first home deposit. Therefore, they may not need their generous relatives’ full support to achieve the above. Grandparents and parents can also choose to add a lump sum to help them at the time of purchase. It is worth noting that I have seen many clients take significant pleasure in helping their children and seeing the benefit of this assistance whilst they are still alive. However, as mentioned above, any gifting needs to ensure that generous relatives do not compromise…

Thriving in the ‘Gig Economy’

Thriving in the ‘Gig Economy’

If you’re a freelancer or contractor or maybe even a consultant then you’re part of the “gig economy”. Gone is the job for life, or even a job in the normal, employed meaning of the word. For you, work consists of short-term contracts or a series of one-off jobs. “Gigs” as the band down at the pub might put it. For some, gig work is a liberating choice that allows them to work their own hours, holiday when they like and work wherever they wish. For others it’s a necessity in a weak job market where under-employment and age discrimination is rife, and more companies choose to outsource specific tasks. Key to the gig economy is technology, be it an Uber app, Skype, crowdsourcing sites or just email and the Web. A study found that 4.1 million Australians had freelanced in 2014/15, and it’s a trend more likely to grow than diminish. So if you’re a “gig worker” what can you do to make the most of your situation? It’s business If you’re happy picking up the odd jobs that fall into your lap for a little extra money, that’s fine. But if you are looking to earn a full-time income then you’re in business and need to operate accordingly. To begin with, you need to know: Who your potential clients are; How to reach out to them; How to gain referrals; The processes you have to put into place to track your work, issue invoices, and make sure you get paid on time; How to meet your tax obligations. Protect yourself Depending on the work you do and the requirements of your clients you may need a range of insurances: Professional indemnity insurance – if there’s any chance a client could sue you in relation to the work you are engaged to complete. Public liability insurance – in case your work activities cause injury to a member of the public. Income protection insurance – you may be eligible for workers’ compensation insurance, but the rules vary from state to state, depend on your business structure, and only cover work-related injuries. Income protection insurance will also cover you against illness and non-work-related injuries. Life insurance – if you have dependents but little in the way of net assets. Think long term Can you build your business into something you can sell? If not, how will you fund your retirement? As a gig worker you’re unlikely to receive compulsory superannuation contributions, but you can (and should) make your own contributions. Personal contributions are tax deductible up to the annual concessional cap of $27,500. Get advice All state and territory governments have departments of business that offer a wealth of information and support for small businesses. Check out the help available in your state. And talk to your financial adviser. Aside from being able to look at your insurance, savings and super needs, your adviser may be an experienced small business operator, a potential mentor, and a valuable member of your network. Contact us today!   The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

Three-Minute Financial Check-up

Three-Minute Financial Check-up

While the standard of living is constantly improving in Australia, economic disruptions, stagnant wage growth and continually increasing house prices are putting more and more people under financial stress. A recent report by the social research group, the Melbourne Institute, ‘Taking the Pulse of the Nation’, found one in three Australians reported being under financial stress. It found that those on fixed-term contracts and anyone self-employed were particularly vulnerable to feeling financial stress, as were people employed in the hospitality and IT sectors. There is nothing worse than that niggling feeling that you’re not in control of your financial situation or worse, the dread that you may not be able to meet your next home loan repayments or that you’ve maxed out your credit cards. For many people, it is simply that their lives are so busy they never have the time to focus on their financial position and so the constant pressure of earning money and paying bills can easily spin out of control. Just as all financial situations can be improved, so all financial problems can be resolved and the earlier you act, the better. Just the simple step of reaching out for help will make you feel better about your financial situation. So, it may be as simple as being unsure whether you will have sufficient savings in super to retire in the way you were hoping to, or it might be that you have created a debt mountain that you feel helpless to reduce. If you find yourself spending a large part of the day worrying about your finances, if you have trouble sleeping at night or if your financial position is causing repeated arguments between you and the people you care most about, it is important that you reach out for help. A good place to start is completing this Three-Minute Financial Check-Up. If you answer no to any of the questions on this list, you should make time to discuss your financial situation with a qualified financial adviser. They will be able to tell you just how serious your situation is and more, how you can take steps immediately to improve your financial position and help you get you back on track, so you do feel in control. Your Three Minute Financial Check-Up Action YES NO Do you pay all your credit cards off in full by their due date?     Do you sleep easy knowing all your bills will be paid when they fall due?     Do you have a budget, and do you stick to it?     Are you making all your loan repayments on time?     Do you know exactly how much your home loan is today?     Do you know what you would do if you lost your job tomorrow?     Are you confident about your children’s financial future?     Do you have life and total and permanent disability insurance in place?     Do you have income protection in place?     Do you know how much you have in super?     Are you and your partner in agreement about your finances?     Do you feel confident about your overall financial position?     The information provided in this article is general in nature only and does not constitute personal financial advice.

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