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Age Gaps in Retirement
Join us as we discuss the intricacies (and benefits!) of age gaps between partners in retirement. From financial advantages to lifestyle choices, discover how an age disparity influences pension and social security benefits, retirement savings strategies, and the management of insurance and healthcare costs. We’ll delve into the impact on lifestyle and travel, the importance of updated wills and medical directives, and explore both the challenges and benefits of building social circles and community engagement across different age groups. Tune in for financial insights and relatable client stories … Robert Goudie, CFP, GradDipFP (ASIC Reg 235974) and Amy Lehmann, BBus (FinPlan), BBus (Acc) (ASIC Reg 1292710), are authorised representatives of Consortium Private Wealth Pty Ltd | ABN 74 616 250 965 AFS Licence 495401.

Do you help your children buy a home?
In this episode, join financial advisers Rob & Amy as they delve into essential strategies to maximise your End of Financial Year (EOFY). Learn how to achieve significant tax wins and optimise your superannuation contributions with our easy-to-follow advice. Whether you’re looking to improve your personal financial position or simply want to make the most of the EOFY, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable tips to boost your financial well-being! To view the video version of this episode visit https://youtu.be/x89ssPQ0jNQ?si=xeLfRmpKbF6aHfUC Robert Goudie, CFP, GradDipFP (ASIC Reg 235974) and Amy Lehmann, BBus (FinPlan), BBus (Acc) (ASIC Reg 1292710), are authorised representatives of Consortium Private Wealth Pty Ltd | ABN 74 616 250 965 AFS Licence 495401.

Investment Deep Dive: Lovisa
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