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Bad Habits of Ineffective Investors
In this episode, Rob and Amy draw inspiration from the insightful article Nine Bad Habits of Ineffective Investors: Common Mistakes Investors Make by Dr. Shane Oliver, Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist at AMP. They explore why seemingly logical actions often lead to poor investment outcomes, and discuss why habits like following the crowd, over-relying on past performance, and frequently checking your portfolio can derail your financial goals. Rob and Amy share practical strategies for avoiding these mistakes and emphasise the importance of a long-term investment plan that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Tune in to sharpen your investment strategy and steer clear of costly missteps. Article referenced in recording:Nine bad habits of ineffective investors: common mistakes investors makeDr Shane Oliver Head of Investment Strategy and Chief Economist, AMP https://www.amp.com.au/content/dam/amp-au/documents/insights/mistakes-oi-30-2024.pdf Robert Goudie, CFP, GradDipFP (ASIC Reg 235974) and Amy Lehmann, BBus (FinPlan), BBus (Acc) (ASIC Reg 1292710), are authorised representatives of Consortium Private Wealth Pty Ltd | ABN 74 616 250 965 AFS Licence 495401.

Age Gaps in Retirement
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Cybersecurity: Tips to keep you cyber safe
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How to tackle first home affordability
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Smart money moves this EOFY
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